FedR 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yup this is EXACTLY what happened on r/conspiracy. axolotl does this non-stop. He goes through old comments and finds people who he disagrees with and will give out perma bans for weeks old comments just the weed out dissent. axolotl will make you think you're fighting against the machine but really he is the machine. He curates like a mother fucker which is just a fancy way of saying "removes individuals who may pose threatening with their counter arguments". He's been getting heat on r/conspiracy and I know of a situation that the reddit admins are involved in that will likely end with the sub being handed off to someone else due to some of the concerns listed above. It happened to r/WSB too. Now, r/WSB is a better sub and when the reddit admins are done, r/conspiracy will be too. Here, he'll tell you how TPTB took over and this is now the only place for true freedom of speech and transparency, despite the fact that answers to questions of "who owns the site" "who makes money from the site" "who owns the .win 'network'" "how can you confirm transparency" "how can you confirm site security" (spoiler: it's not). And then the radicalization will begin. Beware of him and do not be fooled - here's here to make money off you and he's here to push you out of areas on the internet where you are vulnerable to being told something that goes against the proposed narrative, even if that narrative contains fragments of "not falling for the narrative". This comment wont last long, but I'll be back.

Just check out the hilarious irony in their 'privacy policy' : https://conspiracies.win/privacy

Oh wait, that's a 404!