Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You are, there you are hands on your hips, chest puffed out, wagging your pointy finger. Like a bitch. Telling me to metoo. No fuck you. I didn't ask for it.

Get sacrificed. We need some wicka for the pyres.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Those links mean shit. You have cherry picked data and ignored other critical data.

Was siberia farmed 100 years ago. No. Not to the farming and industry now. Was Alaska farmed. What changed. The weather has. Glacier retreat and permafrost melt to the extent of wildfires becoming occurred. As vegetation replaces the permafrost, and farmland deforests and urbanisation and industry continue expanding.

Dumbass if humans hadn't colonised by the millions, would those areas still be cold? Undoubtedly, despite some gradual change from any solar medium driving change.

Go back to nigger school. You link utter crap absurdly. The stuff you've linked is irrelevant. It hasn't accounted for anything.

Have those glaciers retreated and even gone, is the permafrost melting. Yes. Why. Warmer climate. What causes it. A few things. Importantly population changing habitats and colonising. Do this on today's scales of billions, where our global population has doubled every 30 years in the last century. You are talking a tipping point. The weather, natural change catching up, to the point of immenient extinction, changes affecting the majority. They are already on our natural species, who are in epic decline, animals and plants becoming extinct, and critically endangered, and under threat. Until we are with the weather affecting far more of us increasingly in frequency. It won't let up either.

Those costs look at them, add them up in the last 10 years, now increase them the next decade. Come on fucko. You can't be that stupid.

Stop being such a retarded nigger.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What is that? I need to this because your phoophoo is telling everybody else what to do. If it doesn't, then your phoophoo is not happening. I don't remember asking your phoophoo for anything

I don't want a revolution. What are we revolting against? Seriously. The weather doesn't care, and the technology, that solution, is a con, and it won't fix it. But you meant let's all try to Mayan sacrifice. You first. It won't work either. But I am sure it's really fun having all that inflation. It means so much to the climate. You paying even more for it. Because the weather cares.

Revolution, nope. I don't care about your phoophoo. It can get sacrificed.

You don't think critically. Really simple the weather has changed, overpopulation is expediting natural change.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you're nigger level stupid. The other guy got it. You on the other hand don't know how ice melts?

I mean there's all this ice, because a glacier is full of ice, and it has retreated by 100s of miles. But you're saying it is because it is colder. Hahaha. Nigger.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You link crap. Utter crap. All I have read from an idiot. Believe what you want but it is fucking ignorant. Ludicrous.

I provided a real simple example. Linking evidence, explaining that evidence. It was so easy and simple anybody apart from a retard would have comprehended it.

Dew on your windscreen means what? It is not an argument for changing weather.

Next you start spewing more shit. It makes no sense. I don't give a crap about Al'gore. I care about what is obvious. The temperature has obviously been increasing. Not all can be blamed on humans no.

But that fact is the more humans there are, the more they change stuff. No debate. Retard. What are they changing. Simple example glacial melt. Those glaciers retreating. Right outside of major cities like Anchorage. Retreating. So is that temperature the same. The same as when it had a glacier that wasn't melted.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You have no intelligence. Like how does ice melt? No. How? Dumbass. But but, you're claiming the humans right there like a kettle, haven't done nothing? If they haven't, retard, why isn't the glacier there? Because it's getting colder? You fucking Ape.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They aren't to the same extents. There are some sure. Retreating quicker the more millions are added.

Your entire World view. You admit it. Then dismiss it.

Now you're blaming whites for it? Your World view.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The World has not been getting colder you Ape.

It has been getting hotter much hotter. Again dropped on your monkey head. I am not calling a busload of people anything. I am responding to your autism.

Where is getting colder? Literally the dumbest bullshit you can produce. Where? Your rationality was if they say it, you don't believe it? It's real. The solution is a con. There is no solution outside control. To what extent. Well it gets worse. It is. More population feel it. Imagine a major eruption today. Something like was documented by the Byzantines. 2 years of Darkness. A major volcano. How many would die? How many are dying in the increasing extremes, that temperature increasing breaking World records. Now sustained for weeks. It would kill thousands, if the same temperatures this year were for weeks or months. What happens if 3 hurricanes hit Florida in succession? What about after the floods in Pakistan it also got a major quake? How many more feel those affects. They are worse the more population there is. Yes that population also affects them. Pakistan built all along a river. It floods look at it. They affected that weather. They populated along the river, building on the flood plains and banks.

It is apparent. You however are far too dumb.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahaha. I am cool. You got bothered. So bothered. You believed humans don't cause climate change. I mean it's so obvious they do. Their houses are much warmer, now put millions of warmer houses up. Is the weather colder? God damn it. But you must believe the electricity cools them?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are the last 100 years there was no agriculture in Alaska or Siberia suddenly there is? I mean who did that? It was cold but now humans have like you know populated, next there's a bunch of crops and the weather has warmed. Prior there was permafrost and glaciers. God damn it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are nigger and you're gay and you're stalking me. You said if I called you a nigger you'd hit me. That means you're a nigger. Simple, not whatever you're denying. You've taken offense, obviously, because you're wahaa, such a nigger. Obviously a completely schizophrenic homo, now you're trying to deny it. Because god forbid. No, I don't embarass myself. You did that yourself.

I don't care, it was so obvious.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They weren't. Not at all, gradual perhaps. I don't completely buy that either. Unlike the rapid effects today.

Rapid effects caused by humans populating rapidly.

Your gradual retreat, is only merited prior too geostorm, solar oburst, or impact, because it was a different climate. Then it froze. Today that result is humans populating. It was frozen. Today it isn't.

But you are completely discounting the fact right beside your assumed gradual retreat are all these millions of humans expediting it. Any natural effects increase with population.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You admitted you're a nigger. Why can't you admit there's climate change. I guess being a nigger is easier.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The last 100 years the more population has expanded. It was 2.5 billion globally. Now it's 8 billion globally. Those towns like Anchorage are now Capitals, next to the glacier, now have all that population, huge population, but the glacier has completely retreated. A global phenomenon.

You nigger. No skill.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have no argument.

I cannot even establish what you're saying. You're cherry picking bullshit.

Did the glaciers retreat? Did the land become a desert? Yes. What caused it. Humans. They put huge cities right there.

Today we have gained over triple our entire historical population in under a century. It has caused massive changes to the weather, regardless of natural change.

You have had no argument. The glaciers where? Himalayas are melting fast. Alps gone. Alaska. Andies. Etc etc. Meanwhile the permafrost in Siberia has become not very permanent at all.

But you'll argue oh look once upon a time ago it had the vegetation on it. It doesn't matter because the climate had rapidly changed. Permafrost now, is suddenly a warmer climate with wildfires. Hasn't that effect also happened everywhere else. Those glaciers, etc? But oh no humans, billions more, aren't responsible no, hell no. The mammoths are? No, what.

In Kenya no snowfall on its peak, what about Ethiopia?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

You believe shit. All I have to do is look outside. The weather has changed. Rapidly changed. Increasing recently.

You come from niggerland. In niggerland it's always hot.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your impotent screaming. You come from a nigger's asshole. Crawled right out of that colony of stupid niggers. Probably a real shithole, a place that shits out a bunch of overpopulating niggers. Then they scream why can't we just create more assholes instead

You just linked shit. Gibberish. It is your own asshole shitting crap.

It has not accounted for the change humans cause. I linked proof. You linked crap. No, the Alps still have diminishing glaciers, except it really isn't called that today. Permanent Snow and ice is faster going. More people less glacier.

Do humans cause drought, and desertification of course they do. Less water, more water being depleted. Look at California.

I never said shit about rising oceans, either.

You haven't studied shit. Your argument, the glaciers would go, just because that's what they do. Humans populating with warmer cities globally and drinking all that water right beside them didn't cause it. No, they did. What else have they caused. The permafrost melting. Warmer climate. The more they've populated.

It is so conceptually simple. It is a fact. Proof from Ancient Egypt sand on top of what once was fertile deltas. They didn't go hmm. They depleted water. Now it's a desert. Sure a volcano really helped and probably other extremes. But desert. Humans tipped that scale.

We travel to huge lakes globally rapidly depleting, dammed and fed to larger cities, now that once lake is a desert. What about those glaciers? No snow, far less snowfall. Until what happens? What about forests felled for agriculture?

At this rate it goes off. Before it cools. More humans the more they feel it. They are. Yes, there is far more activity currently, warmer temperatures, tectonic activity. Extremes felt more, by more population. Yes, that population causes it. Your argument is completely bullshit. It is all done on some other cycle of the sun. Not completely at all. It affects the changes we cause even more. Look outside.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Do not spam me with your bullshit. You have taken my words and shat all over them. You fucking nigger. The concept was so easy anybody else except a nigger could understand. Read that nigger name. It is autistic. Tallestskil. Nigger. It is no wonder you don't communicate properly, or conceptually. You're autistic.

I provided proof, glacier retreat. Why is that nigger. Population causes warmer weather, urbanisation has caused increased temperature. Meaning humans cause climate change.

Those glaciers are gone. Alaska, Alps, Himalayas, Urals, Rockies, Andies, etc etc. Retreated and evaporated. Beside them there's a bunch of population changing the natural habitat affecting the weather.

No nigger. Cities, urbanisation, major roads in the same area as surrounding countryside are warmer on greater averages than everywhere else there isn't. What about agricultural land and industry.

Do humans cause climate change. Look at the ground water being evaporated into causing ghost towns and droughts. Huge lakes, and rivers depleting, and glaciers retreating. Yes humans caused this.

Fuck off back to nigger school. Don't fucking respond to me like that again. You aren't better, you aren't correct. You're autistic. I don't need my words repeated back with your bullshit. Speak your own. Don't mince mine. I am not a nigger.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, you're a dumb idiot.

Simple cause and effect is the temperature warmer in cities than in surrounding countryside. It factually is. Humans are causing warming.

How dumb are the rest of your muppet accounts. Literally bombed me with crap. Fuck off morons.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What? Are you dyslexic. No.

The more humans, the "they" there, it was explanatory, have populated, the more the weather has warmed. Not whatever you said. It isn't English, it isn't science. It's autism and severe dyslexia.

I might have added, the ice age occurs without humans. Volcanoes happen, if large enough, can severely affect the weather. The Sun can as well with periods of prolonged warming and cooling. Of course there is also cosmic impact, meteors and comets.

But humans are and continue too, the more population they add getting affected by the weather, and the more population causing changes to the weather.

The problem today is the solution is a hoax. It takes these words, and it runs them into a freaking computer. Guess what. It changes the script, by programming a heap of bullshit. Make human use more computer to stop weather. Isn't that real simple. Hahaha. Literally that dumb. So it takes a narrative where there's all this population, and it says don't worry guys, because guys it's climate change. Don't worry. If you buy the EV it will stop the Volcano and the Hurricane. It's okay you built in the way of a Volcano and a Hurricane, because the climate change is man made. Just try to use more computers, and they stop those emissions. Look, anybody disagreeing is muted and sacrificed to the climate change. Remember, the way to beat climate change, is by causing climate change. So please just try to immigrate into the Arctic. If you don't have the Internet in the Arctic you'll have the climate change. Then the Arctic can pay for it. The Arctic needs to pay for climate change by immigrating all the emerging populations. It gets worse. If it ain't automated by computers than it emits. If cows aren't cyborgs, they make cyborg cows today, they feed them from these battery cages, intravenously and inseminating them, putting VR goggles on them to trick the cow into thinking something, milking them all day. If the cows aren't cyborgs than they aren't natural because they emit so much more. Don't worry, computers stop climate change, by telling all the time that there's the weather. Computers are so natural they simply don't emit.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Dude mankind has everything to do with it.

If the first settlers to Alaska froze to death, by the 1000s. Same as Siberia digging the railroads, Norway the same. What went wrong. Humans did. As they populated the weather warmed. The more they've populated the more the weather has warmed. Simply test this theory. In Anchorage the temperature averages higher than in other points of Alaska. So those humans cause, you got it, warming.

Now we add billions of humans since there weren't any in those places. Where you claim the beavers were sipping on pino coladas in the freaking Artic, shedding their fur for the sjws who don't wear it today? What are you claiming?

Once upon a time ago, no, dinosaurs didn't exist, definitely not 13k years ago. They're a fictional creation and an invention, selling monsters to stupid people with gullible imaginations.

But okay you're saying the weather changes. Yes it does. What speeds up weather change. Dinosaurs eating all the trees? No, what? A cycle where the planet is a stop watch and every 13k years it goes pop. That is freaking dumb.

Yes our Sun and cosmic alignment affect the weather. How much do we. All those cities warmer than where there aren't?

Yes I emphatically agree a cycle occurs and without the human it would also occur. Problematic on a changing globe subjective to the seasons, rotation, and alignment. But to state the weather isn't changing, and we aren't another factor affecting it, is ignorant. I don't believe in the solution. I find it ridiculous. I don't think the weather cares. It's absurd, buy climate change, and you too can cause climate change. Seriously they want to change the weather by changing the weather. Hahaha. What went wrong. They just get dumber. Until it's the Mayan sacrifices.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Tell me is this a hoax? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retreat_of_glaciers_since_1850

You're saying the temperature is the same. Look at that retreat. Glaciers then, but now there's something else like Anchorage Alaska, what about opposite Anchorage in Russia.

Opposite Anchorage is farmland feeding China, South Korea. What once was freezing cold didn't grow stuff is now fields and fields of agriculture and heavy population centers. Same as Alaska. Frozen much still is, don't get me wrong, and temperatures still plunge. But more is populated and warming much quicker.

Look at that glacial retreat until you find it is everywhere. Everywhere. It as population has gained correlate. Rapidly expanding population agriculture industry have caused significant change to weather systems.

Example documented in history Sweden to Denmark froze, the sea froze, you could walk across it to extents and reasons documented. It does a little bit there in the North for a few miles occasionally, North away from closest point between them. But now it doesn't not in historic ages. Same as the American mid west. Temperatures plummeting real cold yearly when settlers were colonising, now Siberia is melting, the permafrost, and trees growing, wildfires happening, happening in Canada, Siberia, Sweden. All within the last 100 years that retreat. Importantly recently last few decades retreating much quicker.

But there you are saying what?

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