It has finally happened, the deep state has it all.  People need to wake up, AND FAST!  There are 10 days left before some false flag and mass Nazi style lists of enemies and oppressive legislation.  Too much info to stay on track so forgive my ramblings, but understand this IS real.  THE PLAN This started along time ago, think FEMA camps, coffin liners and all the mass graves dug near these camps.  Now, we have a blatantly obvious false flag "attack" on our capital, they called Trump supporters insurgents, insurrectionists and domestic terrorists, think Germany capital burning in 1933.  This supposedly scared congress (I call bullshit) but will lay the base work for massive sweeping legislation.  Trump is president, but powerless, maybe even held hostage, think Q.  Separating military from CIA (memorandum 57), direct control of military and intelligence agencies by civilian contacts that answer directly to the president, we are currently under executive emergency power from his September EO and after telling people "go home in peace,"  literally the prerequisite for the Insurrection Act, it may be active.  I believe this is a set up, it looks like Trump is in control, but Miller took the Military away from Trump on the 6th, and all this unprecedented power is about to handed to Biden.  Q was right, but I believe the good guys ARE NOT IN CONTROL, I think Trump was played also, or we were all played by Trump.  Miller has also moved 6000 NG troops from 6 states to DC now and they constructed a barrier around the capital building, they are not protecting our capital from, we the people.  They played their Trump card, had a million Trump supporters come to DC along with antifa, got to blame an insurrection on true patriots which made congress speed the certification of the fraud electors, beefed up the capital, and laid the groundwork for the persecution of patriots (incase a rebellion "actually " happens) and Trump goes silent and disappeared AND has been neutered from his presidential powers, his communication and actually talked about removing him from office by an impeachment drafted on the 5th of November, THE 5TH, day before, it happened.  I believe the last speech on twitter account to be fake AI bullshit, if not made in duress.   Also remember, the 1776 movement started with wispers in taverns and churches, hence the lock downs on churches and bars and social distancing, that is if your not locked in your home only able to communicate via phone, now the censorship makes perfect sense.  They have checkmate, after they install Biden, there will be a false flag insurgence or domestic terror attack, or an actual rebellion, maybe even an assassination, but the same language will be used, lists will be made and american citizens will be labeled domestic terrorists.  The military has been over seas fighting "terrorists" for 20 years, Trump brought them home and now they are being deployed around the capital and will shortly  be told the white supremacist MAGA crowd are the new terrorists and insurrectionists.  Be prepared for massive roundups and murder of patriots soon after the false flag and there deaths will be swept under the rug as COVID deaths.  New York is passing legislation to lock up people who are vaccine noncompliant or who are potentially a threat to public health saftey.  States are ready to decertify votes, finally, but congress just adjourned till Jan 19th as a last blow to us all.  This is it, the end game for them, government shut down, they stole our president and are preparing our capital for any resistance, WAKE UP, we are sleep walking into communism.  There was never a way to stop it, only to bait Trump and Q supporters into believing Trump was playing 3d chess when actually they were playing 4d chess and we fell into the trap.  They control it all, including Q, they gave us false hope to keep us waiting for Trump to intervene so we don't.    Unfortunately,  unlike Germany,  we do not have a massive nation coming to save us, only ourselves and time is ticking.  I wish I could end this with good news, but Trump and ourselves have been played, they control the board now, it is about to be as Biden promised, "a long dark winter."