“We need to uncover stones that people would normally not uncover to get to the truth of what is going on.

The virus is effecting people with underlying conditions the most. Why would the governments suddenly care about people’s underlying conditions now? If they actually cared about people’s health wouldn’t they ban most of the shitty food we put into our bodies? Heart disease kills over 640,000 people a year in the U.S. alone! Why is weed killer, that is known to make people sick, put on our lawns and food? Wouldn’t fast food and high fructose corn syrup been banned a long time ago? Why do they let sodas dominate our world if they care about our health? Wouldn’t they care that we had clean air to breathe? Why would they put chemicals in our drinking water? Why would they butcher sick animals to put into our food source? If you actually think they care about you, then you really need your eyes opened. Domestic violence is through the roof right now. So its okay to let these men beat up on the women at home all in order to save the old and frail!!! Ladies do you think the government cares that you are getting beaten on?”
