I just know a few things. 1. I wasn't there or alive. 2. Winners write the history books. And 3. The government doesn't normally tell the truth until they're caught up in a lie and forced to admit it. And that the government isn't shy about using home-made atrocities as an excuse for war.
I got banned on reddit for posting about hunter biden. They said I posted involuntary pornography even though I didn't even link the gay footjob video. If it wasn't for that, maybe I'd post.
I'm not gonna make any claims, but seeing the way the world covers Trump sort of makes you rethink whether or not hitler was accurately represented by the media in the past and present.
Same! Involuntary pornography in mid October. All I did was tell someone the name of the website that had the hunter biden footjob video on it. Didn't even link it or the website. Just said the name of the website.