No he is not the swamp. You have not been following his works and comments during his presidency. You are just a shill. Go away.
You are sick in the head! Do you honestly believe Trump wanted to commit political suicide, screw all people, and lose the election for a crazy thought? Trump is the swamp my ass. You are working for Dem agent whoever.
Something is not right. Please read this:
I have seen real ufos and aliens myself. The evidences are overwhelming. I also knew of the psyop disinformation campaign of the intelligence agencies.
Something is not right. Please read this guys:
Please read this guys
Yes. That's it. Very good. But I'm not talking about these guys.
They should have done that a long time ago. They said they were observing us for thousands of years. So why are they secretive for so long?
I don't think these aliens are religious deities and angels. They are probably demons or descendants of demons. It is also possible they are robots or subspecies for other beings. There are also claims that they are creators of life on planet Earth. I think they are cocreators with other creators of this planet.
You're NOT a Trump supporter. You're a fucking trojan horse. Biden is now your president not Trump. Why are you complaining or fearful about Trump's vaccines? Other companies are also selling vaccines. That includes Bill Gates. You clearly have no idea what's going on with the vaccines. Alex Jones and Trump supporters already warned not to take the vaccines.