"Trust the Science!" Since you are currently browsing through the new Conspiracy Theorist Refugee Camp, I assume that's a sentence you've had thrown your way by the blue pilled anti-skeptics" out there. It's used to shut you up, mock your different viewpoints, and shame you into going along with the consensus. But what exactly is "The Science" anyways? There isn't only one "Science" out there, and the scientific method itself requires you to ask questions and compare results. There is nothing scientific about forming a hypothesis, immediately declaring it to be true, and then shutting down any variable that goes against it. By no means does "The Science" get decided overnight, and the true "Science" evolves over time, and changes with the revelation of new information. Yet here we are, in one of the most volatile and divisive crisis of our lifetimes, being mandated to trust the one true science. We have big tech companies actively removing anything that goes against their science. Don't worry about those early models that were way off, forget about how we were told this virus started by someone eating a bat. It doesn't matter that big pharma has a less than stellar track record. There's nothing wrong with the fact that we went from "masks don't provide adequate protection and should only be used for health care workers/Covid Patients" to "The almighty mask is your greatest defense against Covid, and not wearing one makes you a mass murderer" It is in no way a problem that we were told that "Protesting is the most dangerous and irresponsible thing you can do" then informed that "If you don't take to the streets to form a giant mob you are a deplorable Nazi." "Trust the Science Stupid" Bill Gates Loves you!