Kamala Harris sounds like she should be on Jersey Shore. Her whiny, nasaly voice, is like nails on a chalkboard.

During the debate, Kamala Harris's bearing was always towards trump. Her body language shows that she is now leader. She was constantly looking at him for approval.

While debating she would constantly smile and look towards trump, like a disapproving mother, looking on to her disappointing child.

Kamala Harris has a very Jew whiny voice. Her nasal speaking, and lack of leadership skills, makes her a joke when it comes to leadership.

China controls 67% of global lithium production, and over 80% of battery material refining. Lithium has become so essential to meeting the world’s clean energy needs that China and the US are now in a modern day “arms race” to control the global lithium supply. While China spent over $60 billion in the last decade to become the largest lithium refiner in the world, there’s momentum on the home front. The US government now considers lithium a national security issue, which is why it allocated a substantial chunk of a $783B investment directly toward domestic lithium.


Project Skypox (media.conspiracies.win)
posted ago by DavosDave ago by DavosDave