DavidColeIntrepid 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are arguments about drift from current, wind, and the propeller fighting against current. They dropped anchor some distance away which as you said because of the momentum would in no way stop the vessel but it would make drifting worse. Besides losing power twice which shouldn't happen it's confusing why the ships bow can be seen move left, then right, then left again before hitting the pylon. Seems like it was intentional.

DavidColeIntrepid 3 points ago +3 / -0

So how do you explain the bow moving left, right, then left again before striking the pylon. That would suggest the shipmaster struck the bridge intentionally, doesn't it?

DavidColeIntrepid 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's obvious on the full video that the bow is moving west turns east then back west before striking the pylon

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't about policy this is an attack on the countrys infrastructure. Should we destroy food production in the US because California is a shit hole?

DavidColeIntrepid -1 points ago +1 / -2

And the four comments you made are to call anyone who questions why the fbi had a press conference a few hours after a bridge collapsed wrecking havoc on American infrastructure saying it definitely wasn't a terrorist attack "crazy".

So did the fbi conclude an investigation in 3 hours before anyone even woke up? That's faster than the government took to blame isis for the mass shooting in Moscow and say Ukraine definitely had nothing to do with it.

How the fuck would they know, and why do you think anyone asking questions is "crazy"?

DavidColeIntrepid -2 points ago +1 / -3

Were you shills as hard at work on purim as you are on Easter?

DavidColeIntrepid 3 points ago +3 / -0

I thought you blocked me last time I pointed out your jewish hypocrisy.

DavidColeIntrepid 1 point ago +3 / -2

This post hit a nerve with the limp wristed professional "debunkers" who demand we take the fbi at its word. Faggot ass shills. How could the fbi in the dead of night before anybody even woke up conclude an investigation in 3 fucking hours and day it definitely wasn't a terrorist attack? It's just a "coincidence" that the shipmaster was Ukrainian too. Weasels.

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +2 / -2

Whats funny about that? Are you simping for the pedophiles at the fbi?

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +3 / -3

That's the sunshine skyway bridge in Tampa. The same vessel that ran into the Francis Scott Key Bridge was involved in a collision in Belgium 8 years ago, which is not pictured.

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +2 / -2

Conflicting reports about rudder control. We were told all crew were indians but the captain or shipmaster is a Ukrainian? 4 days after ukraine "opened a window" in their border to help the tajik terrorists who attacked the mall in Moscow escape. On top of all that you have the FBI coming out mere hours after the bridge collapsed to say it "definitely wasn't an act of terrorism". How the fuck would they know that? More than anything it makes me believe that it was an intentional terrorist attack.

DavidColeIntrepid 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was the same in Russia and Germany and it's the same here. Rural people and half the city hate the communists but they inject enough immigrants and brainwash enough people in the cities to go along with their bullshit.

DavidColeIntrepid 0 points ago +1 / -1

Space is an altar.

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