DangerStranger -1 points ago +1 / -2

I perused the first concrete claims made regarding a particular state, and I have to ask, do you actually examine any of this stuff yourself before championing it? If not, why are you so willing to take the claims aggregated by Trump administration official, Peter Navarro -- a man with a vested self-interest in overturning the election -- as gospel? Claims which have been rebuked by the courts, on merit, at that? If you do vet the claims made, then I'd ask you to explain why you believe unsubstantiated, and overtly false claims are evidence that Trump won?

By far the largest category is 150,000 mail-in ballots cast by voters registered after the registration deadline.

No evidence provided.

Another 22,903 absentee ballots were on record as having been returned on or before the postmark date

No evidence provided.

statistically improbable high voter turnouts in Maricopa and Pima counties

80.51% and 82.45% respectively isn't statistically improbable.

The Copper State also accomplished the remarkable feat of exceeding 100% turnout of its registered voters.

There were 4.2 million active registered voters as of October 30th, while 3,397,388 actually cast votes in the 2020 Presidential election.

The rest of the claims were based on former Trump campaign operative, Matt Braynard's "data", where he claims he cold-called a subset of people to ascertain the legitimacy of their vote, which he used to estimate the purported impropriety of voters at large. But of course, his claims have lacked substantiation, and have been rife with flaws. As in he used duplicate names, and erroneously claimed voters lived outside of the state they voted in, which ended up being demonstrably false.

I skimmed the rest, and saw that Navarro references a particular report five times; the one where they claim there was 781.91% turnout in North Muskegon, Michigan, when in reality it was 78.1%, and where they use the 1.98 million mail-in ballots sent out during the Pennsylvania Primary as evidence of an overvote of more than 400k, since there were 2.4 million mail-in ballots received for the Presidential election.

I don't know, maybe the 'shotgun a bunch of shit at the wall, and see what sticks' is a compelling argument to you, but it just strikes me as disingenuous.

Don't worry though, as you've already intimated ad nauseam, Biden becoming President is a fairy tale, and a second term for Trump is all but guaranteed. So, Biden will still be out on the street a mere twelve hours from now, locked up, or worse; right, right?