The theory is simple. Instead of formal concentration camps, you herd people into cities, which can be contained in multiple ways. As in China with its lockdowns, you put the people in massive apartment buildings which you can lock up. Once you install social credit systems, you can control money, ability to pay rent, buy food, drive a car, rent communications services. And you bind people to a welfare system while also removing small business and jobs.
I think this is why the WEF is trying to get rid of farmers and rural dwellers too. The long-term plan is to pack the population into controlled areas and remove independents who could be self-sufficient. This is why the covid lockdown plans tried to destroy small businesses. Which they did.
By taking away gas engine vehicles you keep people bound to the grid and less able to escape. Instead of people going somewhere for vacations, they are forced to use VR once confined to stay in their rooms. Zuckerberg is a tool that for that future.
Also, once people are concentrated in cities it is easy to introduce new plagues and kill them off more quickly.
I discover this exact set of text on multiple companies' HR postings:
"We don't look for individuals who fit the culture, but those who will continue to add to the culture.
We encourage everyone to apply, especially those individuals who are underrepresented in the industry: people of color, LGBTQI+ community, women, individuals with disabilities (both seen and unseen), veterans, and people of any age or family status. "
It almost seems to be an exact copy from one playbook though these are on a number of different small companies' websites. My first guess is that this is taught in industry seminars to HR, and it feels like a religious creed.
However, what happens is the exact opposite of the stated intent - they screen out white American males, as I learned by hard experience. See comments below.
Perhaps this is why Obama threw out so many officers, West Point turned gay, tranny admiral, and high school diploma not required for enlistees.
Macron won with 58.5% of the vote to Le Pen's 41.5%. That's got to be pure BS.
I make a case here for a vast threat right under our noses.
What if I said that China has large outposts in every major American city, larger than the American military? With vast storage and transport capabilities? Would you think I'm crazy?
Hang in there while I sketch out a line of reasoning.
Jeff Bezos, supposely just a wealthy capitalist. However he owns the lying Leftist Washington Post, and has built a monster monopoly throughout the US, killing off small businesses everywhere.
In the event of conflict with China, Bezos is in position to put forces into every major city. His robotic warehouses have the capability to store and deploy large amounts of goods rapidly. Right now the warehouses have huge amounts of boxes of goods from China. Do any of those covertly contain armaments? Bioweapons? Amazon is in the unique position of being able to deploy bioweapons throughout the US within one day and possibly fell us with a single shot. Sounds crazy? It's real. What if Bezos was in on a plan to in future take over the US? We could not do a thing about it.
I maintain that Bezos is a possible threat to America, and the actions of his owned media show his true colors. They are just being held in reserve right now. Prove me wrong.
The flash mob thefts are spreading around the country.
The chances are pretty high that Soros is behind these.
Note that they are all happening in Democrat-controled cities with Soros-elected DAs. Guaranteeing soft on crime, policing, and prosecution.
Now, to set up a flash mob for this, one needs to have a network of people, you don't just advertise on Craigslist. BLM has such a network around the US, which it has used to set up the riots last year. But BLM is a Soros operation specifically aimed at disrupting the US.
My guess is the thefts are not just the result of random gangs, but a deliberate effort to do asymmetrical warfare on the US.
It's likely we will see more such thefts then, before Christmas while stocks are high, and fewer afterwards.
- I cannot help but feel this is, and will lead to, a softening of quality of undergraduates.
And there are already parallel tracks for advanced and lesser ability undergrads, so it is recognized that there is inherently difference in ability. Removing SATs harms selection, not improves it.
- The new admissions director, Ms Pallie, comes from a highly liberal and left oriented school (Pomona). She has announced her dedication to equality. Oh oh. By the way, she's black, of course.
- On an issue about equality and diversity and racism that can affect education quality:
a) Recently Caltech decided to rename the long-standing Millikan library because of complaints by leftists that 75 years ago Millikan may have been slightly racist. I've read the accusing quotes about him, and they are bullshit.
Also, they are renaming the Chandler dining hall and the Ruddock student house due to similar leftwing complaints about these people in the distant past. No one but no one remembers any problems with them in the past. The renaming is also related to pressure from Pomona-related influencers and leftwing UCLA polysci professor Michael Chwe. He needs to butt out of Caltech interference. His papers are the polysci equivalent of gender studies papers.
Less than half of Caltech students are in favor of the renamings, so what we see here is undue outside influence. There is also a liberal Socialist grad student, Sarah Sam, who ran the 'Black Scientists and Engineers' political action group at Caltech. She is quoted in articles as follows: "On September 28, 2020, Sarah Sam, President of the Black Scientists and Engineers at Caltech, resigned from this task force, stating that several task force members "have failed to demonstrate a basic understanding of race, class, disability, and oppression. Because of the unwillingness to condemn irrefutable evidence of overt racism, I have lost faith that this committee will be able to complete its charges in a responsible way." She ended up accusing faculty members of being "cogs in the machine of white supremacy."
However, Caltech students are notoriously non-political, and absolutely not racist. Caltech is all about community, and you simply cannot survive there without close cooperation with fellow students. And the faculty are not racists; they are basically grownup nerds.
I note that that the majority of students are either asian, Indian, or white, and there are few (less than 1%) black students. (Apparently few blacks have good enough math and science to qualify for admission.) So actually, there is almost no one to join BS&E, which leads me to believe it is a construct and not organic, and Sam is artificially attacking this community. The racist here is Sam.
b) I note now that professors at Tech now listed their pronouns next to the their name, and declare in their faculty webpages that they are sworn to "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion". It's pretty clear they are pressured to be politically correct. Example:
If the top selective science school has allowed liberals to weaken its standards, we are in big trouble. Also, these actions dilute the value of a Caltech degree from previous years.
- By the way, the Caltech bookstore does not stock textbooks, only such educational supplies as clothing. WTF. Years ago it was rich with science and technology books and very cross-field inspiring to visit. Now, it's shit, oriented to profit and not academia.
Some parts of Caltech have gone so downhill. Kids, don't get dazzled by reputation - go to a better school like MIT or Stanford. And not leftwing Berkeley.
Added: 5. OMG. I just discovered that the Caltech library (Millikan) has been thoroughly leftwing liberalized. Here:
The titles blatantly over emphasized on the library front page include
-- Disability in Higher Education: a Social Justice Approach
-- Multiculturalism on Campus: Understanding Diversity and Creating Inclusion
-- Faculty of Color: Navigating Higher Education
-- The Autobiography of a Transgender Scientist
-- Campus Uprisings: How Student Activists and Collegiate Leaders Resist Racism and Create Hope
Caltech has been thoroughly cucked. It was a fine science school when I went there, but now they are brainwashing future scientists with Commie ideals.
Sorry for the rant; I care a lot about Tech, and seeing what it's being turned into is emotionally crippling.
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