by DrLeaks
DRAGONBALLQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

All I know is that people who challenge the superiority of heterosexuality (ie LGBT) are people who are driven by the anti-Abrahamic line of religions (ie satanism).

Freedom of religion allows people to choose between the Abrahamic line of religions, and the Satanic line of religions, but that does not mean that everyone is also made right in the end. When you have two opinions that are contradictory to the point that only one of them can be correct (and thus the other must be false), then obviously there can only be one right answer in the very end end end.

And there was also only one right answer in the start (and that is how Abrahamics already know what will also happen in the end). The Satanist lines of religion wish to challenge Abrahamic superiority, and that is a challenge that has been attempted many times in the past (with each time being a failure). If the LGBT of today believe they can succeed where the LGBT of all past history previously failed, in my opinion that is a dangerous delusion to be driven by.

by DrLeaks
DRAGONBALLQ 3 points ago +4 / -1

This has always been a global world war between Gays and Non-Gays starting since at least 1967 when the USA engaged operation KRONOS (their secret alien program to try and make the entire world gay in order to please the gay demon that controls the feds).