DCPower 2 points ago +4 / -2

If I hadn’t caught it, once at the beginning of the plandemic, and again with the “delta” or whatever it is, then I might have bought into this theory. It’s like a bad flu and mainly serious if you don’t take it seriously. But it’s definitely stronger than any other flu I’ve had. The delta was a lot milder at least.

DCPower 4 points ago +4 / -0

I mean do you see headlines on patriots.win constantly saying stuff like:

This guy killed someone and he was white!

That pedophile? He was white!

Evil rich dude is greedy, guess what, he’s white!

No, you don’t, because we discuss how to remove an evil person from power instead of focusing on their race. By focusing on race, the underlying tone is not to remove an individual evil person, but to remove an entire race including a majority of innocent people.

DCPower 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really hate how they took the label of “science” and just slapped it on propaganda to give it credence. I personally worked with a mother who researched foods to reverse the toxins in vaccines that supposedly weren’t there. But her two children started being able to talk and think more normally as they detoxified.

DCPower 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is honestly why I started doubting that vaccines were perfectly safe. The argument from the other side was simply “shut up they’re safe” and “quit being a conspiracy theorist.” There was no actual discussion allowed.