This post is to kickstart conversation in deeper detail related to the ineffectiveness of society's approach to banking, markets, and currency. I am interested on any ideas anyone may have to decentralize the market, and effectively get rid of currency/money/ token systems (fiat or crypto). I bring this up because I find humanity has goostepped itself into vulnerability with tech, science, politics and ofcourse money. The goal on this is to discover a way to give full market control to the people, as well as let the people segregate from central powers. What I have been thinking so far as a solution is along the lines of an agora. What does this have to do with conspiracy? Easy... you are literally cutting yourself off from any elitism/goverment/jurisdiction or any possible vulnerabilities to the above said. I acknowledge this post in its entirety is wishful thinking and will take the dedication of more than a few. This is merely a idea I'm bringing forth and am open to people expanding on this idea or introducing a new one entirely. So why do I think an Agora is the best approach? I'll begin by providing the definition of an agora market and build of that.

"The agora (/ˈæɡərə/; Ancient Greek: ἀγορά agorá) was a central public space in ancient Greek city-states. ... The agora was the center of the athletic, artistic, business, spiritual and political life in the city. The Ancient Agora of Athens is the best-known example."

No one or group has any sole power, the market itself isn't and cant be manipulated by foreign markets or investors only because the agora marketplace relies only and heavily on local activity and trade. In regard to Athens practice of it, yes its fairly obsolete , but by implementing the core principles surrounding agora in modern society I belive it could work.

Many are repulsed by the agora because yes, this does mean current corporate conglomerates will be crushed and resources inevitably will return to the people's agora. How? Since we understand the definition of what a market of sorts would look like, we should now see how we can get there and beat the fed as well as corporatism at the same time. This solution is Agorism. By engaging in counter-economics your actively escaping regulation, taxation, and any law deemed illegal by state that is non-violent. Some examples of proper counter econ are:

• Students on campus committing any acts not permitted by the administration;

• Health nuts, i.e., those who take, produce, or market nourishment unapproved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or its equivalent elsewhere;

• Gold bugs, food hoarders, windfall profiteers, and others who refuse to believe official economic mysticism;

• Tax evader, tax rebel, tax resister;

• Samizdat publishers, underground dissidents, artists of forbidden/unapproved art;

• Anyone who has ever smoked a joint, even if he regretted it. Or any other forbidden intoxication.

You get the point basically anything going against the fed while remaining voluntary and non violent.

"In practice, any form of trade can be “agorist” if we remove state influence & interact “under the table”. The collection of “legal” but unregulated products and services is referred to as the “Gray Market”. Using cash, crypto-currency, or “non-profit” “gifting” strategy, and avoiding regulations/licensing/permit requirements, are all examples of gray market activity." Peter Kallman

I see this as a way to use their resources against them to crash it, simply by making sure the currency or money or any benefits to business or gov dont circulate back to the fed or central economy. The people will overtime hypothetically accrue majority of the money while keeping corporate and fed dry. Thus leading to inevitable collapse allowing the agora market to absorb their resources in a more practical way. Any funding the fed gives to certain organizations or business will also decline and diminish. This is literally giving the people power and end goal is to crash the government, all whilst protecting the citizen and providing an alternative to society so the crash has no effect on the individual or local communities who practice the agora or Agorism. Since agora doesn't rely whatsoever on the state. The agora if anything I'd be happy with is a minarchy that only job is to address violence, foreign or domestic. The terms and specifics will be publicly voted on and kept in line by the public.

So yes essentially the people will have an underground, under the table economy of trade and business. The current economy has absolutely no effect on the agora market. But the agora market totally affects the fed.

So yes crash the dollar and all world currency and move to a more active and participant society of trade and services. Create an underground system that hoards assets of the state and by taking it out of the economy and Create local markets where services, trade and business are free to practice without severe regulation or control.

Open to criticism, and appreciate you reading the long word salad. If anyone has any questions or concerns id be happy to address them or discuss. This obviously isn't a complete plan, still much to build on this but I do belive this is in fact the only way society can break free. And yes again I am fully aware this is wishful thinking.

If what we know about possible Cuomo plans come to fruition, and the mobilization of authorities are indeed being sent to log and vax everyone then what is our response? This is regard to a post before mine about Cuomo new order in NY or future plans if you will. Is it likely other states will fall in line in possible mandatory/ forced vaxxing? I just want to ask the whole community on their response to a possible bug out situation? What happens if we resist the vax? Camps?? Even if we do manage to bug out where to? It's timefor Americans and liberty lovers to really start creating plans/ praxis if it comes down to Marshal or a power outage. This is moving faster than I thought and as much of a libertarian conservative I am I dont think my boy Randy and others can defend this on their level much longer. When do we truly take a stand? At what point i wonder does America and it's people wake the fuck up and realize "OH SHIT STOP!!!!" And at the end have big bad CCP drag us out to our new commune