CrusaderPepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't go against real Christianity. I just go against your false interpretation of Christianity. You are a heretic and schismatic, so your opinion means squat.

CrusaderPepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

September 8th is the date the Catholic Church celebrates Mary's birthday because it's exactly 9 months after the Church celebrates the Immaculate Conception on December 8th. The fact is we really don't know when her birthday is, so the Church set a date aside to celebrate it.

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's the thing... consistency with pre-established Scripture IS MOST DEFINITELY a requirement for the teaching of a Pope to be infallible. If the Pope BLATANTLY contradicts Scripture in his Magisterium, then we are, again, obliged to DISREGARD his teaching.

The fact of the matter is that the Pope's authority is pretty limited. He is bound by Scripture, Tradition (the verbal and written beliefs that Catholics have held for 2000 years), and the Magisterium of previous Popes. IF HE CONTRADICTS THOSE, THEN WE CANNOT ASSENT.



So Popes actually have a very narrow scope of authority. Their primary purpose is to govern the Church and secondly to decide matters of disagreement amongst the Faithful, and they are BOUND to Scripture, Tradition, and Magisterium themselves when doing the latter.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

I just reread everything in our conversation. I never "dodged" your questions. I answered them. I just answered them in a way that didn't fit your misconception on the authority of the Pope, and you referred to it as a "loophole" because you are anti-Catholic and frankly just want to argue instead of listen. Again, yes we can disagree with the Pope if he publicly tells the Jewish Mainstream Media his "politically correct" opinions on things. Moreover, if he misrepresents the Faith (and the current Pope has done this multiple times, unfortunately) we can publicly rebuke him for doing that as well, and of course, disobey following him in his error. What we as Catholics CANNOT do is disobey the Pope when he officially teaches a matter of Faith and morals that is CONSISTENT with known Catholic teaching.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes, we can freely disagree and ignore if it's not Church teaching. We can consider his opinions, and even give them due respect as head of the Faith, but we don't have to assent if it's not Magisterial teaching. He doesn't even disagree with this. Pope Francis has never formally censured Catholic lay people for not taking the vaccine. He personally endorses it but has left it open to people to choose themselves. And many faithful Catholics I know, myself included, choose not to vaccinate.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

No, that's not the teaching. The teaching is that the Pope is infallible when he is solemnly declaring and defining an issue of Faith or morality in an official Magisterial document. This rarely happens. So all those airplane and press interviews where Pope Francis gives his opinion on vaccinations... None of this is binding on the faithful. There is no official Church teaching whatsoever on vaccines. As for migration, that's a bit different, as migration itself is a natural right (Jesus, Mary, and Joseph migrated to Egypt from Judea, for instance, to escape Jesus being murdered by Herod), but still, there is no Church teaching that promotes mass immigration (i.e. the Great Replacement).

CrusaderPepe -2 points ago +1 / -3

Catholicism is STRONGLY anti-abortion. Virtually all pro-life movements are run by Catholics lol.

As for vaccines, lockdowns, race mixing, and mass immigration, the Church hasn't taught that those things are against the Faith, but it also hasn't taught those things must be upheld by the faithful either. Yes, certain people in the Church, unfortunately even the Pope and other bishops support these things, but that doesn't make it "Church teaching". It merely makes it their opinion...

CrusaderPepe 1 point ago +2 / -1

So this is my only active account. I don't expect him, or people that agree with him, to believe me, but I am not manipulating votes. To me, the most simple explanation is that I have fans of my content on communities.win. My view numbers on my end show that too. I get considerable more views of my content when I post on communities.win then when I do not. Again, I don't expect my haters, including Neo, to believe me, but it's the truth. That's all I can say.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

Recognizing patterns is just the first step. Figuring out why they are happening is the next step. If multiple theses can explain the patterns, then one must use more than pattern recognition alone to determine what thesis explains the pattern the best.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's a conspiracy! :-O


My guess is that I just have a lot of dedicated fans here. And I appreciate them!

CrusaderPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. You can basically have all the lyrics and song structure and style automated for you, if you want. We generally write our own lyrics, put in tags in how we want the song structured, and put the genre/styles. You can make songs for free, if you want to check it out:


Here's my Bitchute channel:


CrusaderPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I too have created and performed music live (and have also recorded albums in the studio). I've been playing bass, since I was 15, and played in several original bands, so I know the whole creative process: songwriting. song learning, performing live, recording, engineering, producing, etc. And yeah, this process entails hours and hours and hours for each song, and usually several people.

It is true that one person can make an AI song, and most of the songs that I publish using Suno are made by one person (usually me). But sometimes my friends and I that use Suno like to collaborate and write the lyrics together, and choose the style/arrangement together. It's indeed not the same arduous process as non-AI songwriting is (thanks be to God!) but we enjoy it. It's always fun to collaborate.

CrusaderPepe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes and no. Yes, we use Suno.ai to generate the songs. However, we write the lyrics, figure out the structure of the song, define the vocal styles and genres, and choose the version that best fits our vision of the song. So it's a lot more work than just pressing a button.

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