CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

It's a conspiracy! :-O


My guess is that I just have a lot of dedicated fans here. And I appreciate them!

CrusaderPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. You can basically have all the lyrics and song structure and style automated for you, if you want. We generally write our own lyrics, put in tags in how we want the song structured, and put the genre/styles. You can make songs for free, if you want to check it out:


Here's my Bitchute channel:


CrusaderPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

I too have created and performed music live (and have also recorded albums in the studio). I've been playing bass, since I was 15, and played in several original bands, so I know the whole creative process: songwriting. song learning, performing live, recording, engineering, producing, etc. And yeah, this process entails hours and hours and hours for each song, and usually several people.

It is true that one person can make an AI song, and most of the songs that I publish using Suno are made by one person (usually me). But sometimes my friends and I that use Suno like to collaborate and write the lyrics together, and choose the style/arrangement together. It's indeed not the same arduous process as non-AI songwriting is (thanks be to God!) but we enjoy it. It's always fun to collaborate.

CrusaderPepe 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes and no. Yes, we use Suno.ai to generate the songs. However, we write the lyrics, figure out the structure of the song, define the vocal styles and genres, and choose the version that best fits our vision of the song. So it's a lot more work than just pressing a button.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +1 / -2

You said:

'"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God." - Revelation 19:15

Clearly, the sword is the sword of Truth.'

Amen to that! Which is EXACTLY what I am doing: spreading Truth. This is the "fight" I am promoting - spreading the Truth against the errors of Satan.

For some reason you twisted my promotion of the "fight" against error into me inciting violence. And now you act like a HYPOCRITE and have the gall to accuse me of twisting your words!

And you AVOIDED my question:

What is your "denomination" or "sect" of Christianity? Are you SDA by any chance?

CrusaderPepe -2 points ago +1 / -3

Wait. You added the stuff after the link to my song AFTER I responded "Wow. Just wow.". That's very JEWISH of you.

I read your comment, but didn't respond to it because your comment was nothing more than a strawman.

You are literally cherry-picking the Bible to try to tell me that Christians shouldn't defend their religion.

Here is one of my favorite quotes from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ:

"Do not think that I came to send peace upon earth: I came not to send peace, but the sword." -Matthew 10:34

If you love Jesus, you will fight for Him.

What is your "denomination" or "sect" of Christianity? Are you SDA by any chance?

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +3 / -3

Gotcha. Thanks! Where in the world do these people come from??? Lol

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +2 / -3


Proposition 1:

When I criticize "the Jews" in my video posts for subverting Christianity through their support of Abortion, Birth Control, Communism, Divorce, Feminism, peddling Pornography, and the Sexual Revolution, amongst other things, Swamp Jew STRONGLY DISAGREES, and says that I am accusing the group for things that individual actors in the group does.



Swamp Jew:

"Informal warning: We're going to need to do something about our communication gaps that many have noted. Just deleting the posts the mods find to be racist isn't solving the problem. Dialogue will ensue."


"Documentation of fallacy:


This is the upteenth time you have accused me of racism.

And you berated me in the other thread about never defining my terms.

Again, I will define the terms of what "the Jews" are, as has been agreed upon for most of the past 2000 years (until it was muddied in the 20th century):

The definition of "the Jews" I am using refers to people of Hebrew stock who reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah (which included Rabbincal Jews and secular Jews) AND people of non-Hebrew stock that practice Judaism (and again, reject Christ). People of Hebrew stock who accept Jesus Christ as God the Son (Nazarenes or "Messianic Jews" as you call them) are excluded from this definition.

This is the upteenth time I have defined this term. My content is meant to highlight a spiritual war between Christians and Jews, NOT to spread hatred against the Hebrew race.

Now that my terms are well-defined, if you gaslight me again by equivocating my participation in the spiritual war against those that reject Christ but call themselves "Jews" as me being "racist against the Jewish race" then I will re-paste this documented response over and over and over whenever you pretend that I never define my terms or that I am racist or that I never respond to Swamp Jew or whatever..."

Swamp Jew:

"Your content takes your "95% of the Jews" definition of "the Jews" and lumps them all together as guilty of many things severally and jointly. This is judging the innocent with the guilty, which I've defined as racism when it applies to ethnoreligious constructs like your definition."

Proposition 2:

Swamp Jew doesn't believe the Old Covenant was superseded by the New.



Swamp Jew said:

"While I understand some of the church sees the Old Covenant as "ended" in its fulfillment in Christ's first coming, I don't see that, and I do see that people use this as a wedge issue to explain away our connection with the covenant people among the Israelites, which I see as dangerous. "


"OP gets caught up in an unproven supersession as "the Old is superseded by the New". This is never taught by Scripture and probably not as such by tradition. If the Old ever had a place that could be superseded by the New, that would be dual covenant in the past!

Therefore I say the Old Covenant's purpose stands just as it ever did."

Proposition 3:

Swamp Jew believes in "Once Saved Always Saved".



Swamp Jew said:

"You define OSAS as "once God gives You saving grace You can never lose it". I agree with Calvin this is true."


"there is no proof the Bible or Rome teach that "we can lose our saving Grace". Passages about loss either (1) do not refer to Christians saved by grace, (2) speak of perseverance without expressing doubt in it, or (3) speak hypothetically of loss as a warning to those truly saved to continue testing that they are not falsely assured."

Proposition 4:

Swamp Jew believes that "Hebrew Roots Christianity", which he adheres to, is not a Judaizing sect.

This contrary to what I have seen. Proof:


Looks like the aim is to syncretize Judaism and Christianity to me...

Proposition 5:

Swamp Jew DEFENDS the Talmud from charges of blasphemy.


Swamp Jew made a whole thread trying to DEFEND the Talmud here:


Swamp Jew did it here to, in order to try to refute me and gaslight me into believing that there are 3 different Jesuses of Nazarene in the Talmud:


And here too:


And my response is here, which shows Swamp Jew has to be an intellectually dishonest gaslighter to believe that the Jews weren't blaspheming Jesus Christ and His Mother:


deleted 0 points ago +3 / -3
CrusaderPepe 1 point ago +3 / -2

What a load of trash! Swamp Jew is a powerful moderator on this website and is a subverter, has subverted me and others, and I just want to publicly accuse him for what he is sitewide: HE IS A JEW.

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +3 / -3

In other words, I won't let this Jew REDEFINE words with OBJECTIVE MEANING into his SUBJECTIVE MEANING TO SUIT HIM, and he thinks this is unfair. The 5 propositions are Boolean, from a formal logical point of view: you can either find each of the 5 original propositions true or find them false. There is no MIDDLE GROUND, no CENTER, and a JEWISH HEGELIAN DIALECTIC need not apply.

Since I won't let Swamp Jew redefine objective words or turn Boolean propositions into dialectics, in order to reframe the debate in his favor, he has made it clear that he has no desire to debate in a fair, straightforward way.

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +3 / -3

Suit yourself. It definitely exposes Swamp Jew as the LIAR he is.

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +3 / -3

The propositions are boolean, which in logic means they can either be true or false, but nothing else. Creating a dialectic where there even is a center in a boolean proposition is a Jewish mind trick.

CrusaderPepe -2 points ago +2 / -4

I agree. There is no way that Swamp Jew should be upvoted more than downvoted in our debate, since he is CLEARLY LYING and just using Jewish tactics to avoid debating.

CrusaderPepe -1 points ago +4 / -5

My songs aren't about revolution. They are about counterrevolution, or about going against the revolution already enacted by the Jews and Freemasons.

CrusaderPepe 0 points ago +5 / -5

Thanks! Yeah, it is very grating lol. Especially since I call him out on it over and over again, and he just keeps gaslighting like it's not even happening.

CrusaderPepe 2 points ago +5 / -3

My debate with Swamp Jew regarding these 5 things:

  1. Are the Jews cursed, and enemies of God and the human race even up to the present? I say yes. Swamp Jew says no.

  2. Is the Old Covenant still ongoing? I say no. Swamp Jew says yes.

  3. Is OSAS true? I say no. Swamp Jew says yes.

  4. Is the "Hebrew-roots Christian" movement actually Christian? I say no. Swamp Jew says yes.

  5. Is the Talmud anti-Christian? I say yes. Swamp Jew says no.

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