I'm starting to think with interests rates rising and banks sitting on bonds that are losing value, the goal is to get more small banks to collapse and concentrate more banking within the big banks and the Fed and Treasury. The Fed is going to commence its new payment service this year. Everything is lining up with what I think will be the future of banking for the masses: accounts held directly at the Federal Reserve, with any sort of savings being in the T bills provided by the Treasury.

Seems like a great setup for a total command economy and CBDCs. I think barter will be important to offset this. Perhaps crypto as well.

Thoughts? Am I missing something here? I'm thinking of closing an account I set up with a regional bank because as far as I can tell, that sector is doomed minus a handful of the big banks like Chase, GS, BoA, etc. And even then, they still play the same usury game. Why support regional and local banks?