CHECKMATE6D 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you take the hight of the Pyramid, 482.7575 and multiply it by 43,200 (number of seconds in a day) = 20,855,124 ft or 3,949.834 miles. The polar Radius of the earth is 3,949.8934 according to the world grid survey '72 which is said to be the most accurate measurement of earths radius. That number is only off by 313 ft! Oh and the Pyramid of Giza happens to be at the very center of all earths land mass. Pretty amazing! The Pyramids are not tombs. No kings or Queens were ever found inside. there are no hieroglyphs anywhere inside the pyramids either. In my opinion they were some sort of ancient power plant. This is one of the best documentarys about Egypt and the Pyramids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cm4eUPNo3_8