Boadicea_7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Statistics and graphs can give you any info you want thats the beauty of them. Heres some random figures for you. 8000 babies at that particular birthimg unit a year. 365 days is 22 babies a day. There were 8 deaths at the beginning of one month so say..8 deaths in first 7 days . Would be about 154 babies born in 7 days on above figure so if 8 died thats 6% If you takethat info further and its only from vax mothers. And I dont know the rates for the vaccinated mother at that birth unit it does say. But lets just say it 50% so if 77 of the 154 babies born in the first week were from vax mums that 10% deaths....way higher than your 0.0002 But my figures are all speculation lol