Blargagg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish people would stop sharing this, it's like half true

The short sellers HAVE NOT closed their positions. THEY CANNOT close their positions. We refuse to sell. There is no stock for them to return to the people they borrowed it from. These fucking sleaze bags LIED to news media saying they closed their positions to get us to sell. WE WILL NOT SELL. Even after saying they closed their short positions, short interest remained over 120%. THEY LIED. There are no other stocks like GME. GME was shorted to 139 % of its market cap, meaning they sold more stock than exists. There are some other stocks with large short positions (to the tune of 40 to 65%) but nothing like GME. The financial institutions carrying out these transactions ran out of cash today. Robinhood had to take out lines of credit to cover what is happening. It's not over. They fucked up royally, they got incredibly greedy and tried to kill Gamestop. Their losses have now eclipsed 91 billion dollars. As long as we refuse to sell, they will continue to hemorrhage money. The game is this: We can keep Gamestop's stock irrationally high, longer than the market can stay solvent.

Blargagg 0 points ago +1 / -1

None of those people had ANYTHINg AT ALL to do with the initial scope of the case. Seth Rich leaked the emails, hes not fucking russian. The DNCs own corruption caused one of their own employees to go rogue. The rosenstein had him killed.

Blargagg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do they always have weird eyes?