BlackHawkClown 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn’t control them per say, but all the national banks are in each other’s pockets. Our federal reserve lends out money to other countries around the world, and their banks do the same to us. It’s all one big system at this point.

The World Bank would be able to act as a bank to the rest of the national banks. The IMF would facilitate the currency exchanges.

I wasn’t familiar with the pillars of NESARA, so I skimmed an article on it. Could you explain how the Federal Reserve and US Treasury would be able to operate side by side? How would this currency exchange take place?

Also, thanks for bringing NESARA to my attention.

BlackHawkClown 17 points ago +18 / -1

At the very least you would have a smarter spouse. Nobody in their right mind would take an unknown vaccine over a virus with a 99.9% survival rate. Especially when the vaccine could have countless negative side effects including a chance at a higher mortality rate that the virus itself.

I’d say regardless of whether the vaccine is effective or not, you should still stay away from the women who get it. Anyone who would take the chances with this new vaccine is too stupid to be raising children anyway.