Does anybody have any links to studies with subjects taking antiviral medications and the viral vector J&J shot?


It seems to me that the flu vaccine had been a leaky vaccine as well. Could this be what had been driving the rapidly changing flu strains every season?

Now we have covid vaccines that are leaky, and a much higher vaccinated percentage of the population. So the strains are changing even faster.

I posted a few months back that it seemed to me like the writing is on the wall regarding forced vax. And it might be prudent to begin investigating ways we could mitigate it if we are vaxed against our will.

With the recent door to door comments, we are still moving in that direction.

That being said I found some info regarding Suramin. It seems to protect against the spike protein, and mRNA vax.

Hoping others could expand on that or provide other ways we might mitigate a shot.


That is all.


Starting a thread to save links to unexplained cardiac arrest deaths in my local news. Feel free to link from your local news as well.


I'm seeing the writing on the wall regarding forced vaccinations, and I believe it may be prudent to begin brainstorming ways to reduce the effectiveness (whatever they may be) of the vaccine when it is administered, hopefully reducing side effects as well.

This is meant to be a brainstorming post.

I'll start: From my research it looks like the mRNA segments are encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles (basically fat) to protect it while it's transported to the cell. These lipids are positively charged so they are not repelled by the negatively charged lipids of the cell wall.

Could we increase the negatively charged ions in the body to bind to a majority of the mRNA lipids before they get to the cells of the lymph nodes?


Nothing can stop what is coming. Massive world depopulation.

Two opposing factions with the same goal but different methods. (Trump/Q team) vs (Rothschild etc cabal).

One pushing for violent depopulation through endless escalating wars and genocide. The other pushing a gentler depopulation through mass sterilization using vaccines.

Either way, Nothing can stop what is coming.