That is all.

​ it’s actually funny that the people who in the west who support the Russian dissidents are normally the sorts of people that the Russian dissidents themselves would despise.

To russian dissidents freedom includes the right to bare arms, privatization, unrestricted speech, supporting Israel against extremism terrorists and the right to decide your own vaccine status or whether you wear a mask.

Daniil Orain, who runs the YouTube channel 1420, has even been to court to defend his right to refuse a mask. He was given an administrative offense for refusing to wear a Covid mask at an airport. Daniil is like most Russian dissidents. He understands that all government tyranny is outrageous. It’s ironic because many of the people with their faces in the photos of their profiles in the comments section of a 1420 videos have Covid masks on.

The westerners who love Russian dissidents are normally the sorts of people who wave Palestine flags (Russian backed terrorist organization), support hate speech laws, the arrest of the unmasked and bans on guns. It’s actually funny because the westerners who drool over russian dissidents are vermin who have more in common with Putin than they do with Russian dissidents.

It would be hilarious to see the result if somebody with views like your average russian dissident ran in an election in a country in the west. The same westerners sipping Yerba Mate while reading the Guardian that cheer these dissidents on when they’re in Russia would be demanding their public execution if these sorts of people were to run in a western election.

You can’t even suggest privatizing the most slow, worthless government beauricracy in the west without being viewed as a Victorian robber baron nor can you call for the legalizing of pepper spray in many Western European countries without being thought of as some Wild West extremist. In some western countries like Britain waving an Israeli flag would get you necklaced. Can you imagine Daniil Orain who supports Israel, Gun ownership, capitalism, etc? The locals in the west would hate him just as much as the russian state would.

I literally laugh every time some masked up labour or democrat voting westerner drools over that guy’s videos. The irony is just too strong. No, comrade, you have more in common with Putin than you do a dissident in Russia. If you thought Ron Paul was unelectable, you would absolutely not be able to cope with some of the full on ancaps that make up the dissident russian sort.