I was already banned from here and there are comments deleted already for some unknown reason (Axo didn't like them).
Check it out and see that you are wrong.
Did you know that artist was abused as a kid and is doing the art as an outlet and to spread awareness?
I have truth on my side and not propaganda at least, queerbo.
Can you dispute what I said or are you going to keep showing nonsense.
I would go back to Reddit but the mod here banned me I on Reddit for disagreeing with him. So you're stuck with me
Right? Haha. I mean, I get it, but they should apply the same train of thought all over the place. This picking and choosing "the science" is a bit hypocritical
They were hospitalized WITH the vaccine, not FROM the vaccine.
It was all pre-existing conditions so it doesn't matter. Quit trying to inflate the numbers.
Logic bomb.
We can only be afraid of one thing at as time. That's why no one is afraid of scary caravans anymore.
Stop fearing Jews then!
Here we agree again. There must be an eclipse today. I too would like to see some fucking evidence in tired of this circus of veiled accusations without ever backing shit up.
How did you wind up in your mom's pussy?
Ok, let's just make shit up then. No wonder people think conspiracy theorists are fucking morons. Maybe because they make tons of shit up.
Jews Jews Jews fuck off you scared little bigoted coward. JIDF doesn't give a fuck about you. They sure do love Trump though.
I call or any lies where I see them. I thought we were truth seekers and not propagandists. You dumb cunt.
You need to get up to 666 so I can fully power up you fuck face. This is all his fault not mine.
No I don't agree with any censorship but thank you for putting words into my mouth. Now take the fuck out of yours and stop making shit up.
The sound that your mom's loose cunt makes when you pull your tiny dick out of her. Woosh.
I defend truth. Sad is banning people whose opinions are different from yours to try and make a right wing safe space.
Sad is being a defender of free speech and removing THOUSANDS of comments you don't agree with.
That's fucking sad.
Trump is John Snow, he knows nothing.
Autocorrect faggot.
Your and ignorance.
Of what? You're fucking afraid of everything including reality. I don't live my life in fear.
He also banned me here after, this is my 3rd account here. He's going to have to keep being me over and over to silence me.
I was here in good faith before, but now I'm just here to call everyone retarded faggots and expose his hypocrisy.
Look out, there's a Jew behind you with those 7 candles in his hand!
For once we agree on something cheers Mr jet man.
I'm correct though. He has one painting from that artist. Your agenda and ignorance and fake news are showing.
Also check out Axo's mod actions over on Reddit.
He's no friend of open discourse