In the past week, the website for CODOH (www.codoh.com) and the discussion forum for CODOH (www.forum.codoh.com) seems to have gotten digitally attacked and taken down. This sucks, because recently I’ve been visiting them for PDF book downloads and to see forum topics. The forum had 20 years worth of topics, essays, and debate that hopefully haven’t been permanently lost.

Does anyone have insight regarding what happened?

There’s now a page up at codoh.com and it provides an explanation that a new site will return soon, as well as contact information (phone number and email). Not to be paranoiac, but at the bottom they say “do NOT send funds to Hilton Head Island” which makes me wonder if something disrupted the group in Hilton Head, or if the URL has been co-opted and what we currently see on the home page of CODOH is now a honey trap?

I’ve been conspiracy-minded on Reddit for a few years (I post a lot on r/conspiracy), however I am new to the notion of questioning what people have been taught about the Holocaust.

Prior to the false-flag events of Oct. 7th in Israel, I would have found the notion of questioning and scrutinizing the mainstream narrative of the Holocaust to be unthinkable and mean-spirited act toward (what has been sold as) a repressed and marginalized demographic. After I saw how Israel was treating Palestine, I went to go research the Holocaust because I was aghast that Zionists were acting like the Third Reich supposedly did and I wanted to draw parallels between modern Israel and the treatment of Jews during WWII — but then I come to find out that a lot of what we understand to have occurred — simply — didn’t! Holy fuck. Also I grew up Mormon, and that Masonic money cult is as rabidly Zionist as they come, so I had a lot of Holocaust programming to undo.

We are coming into a moment where Holocaust Revisionism is going to come out of the fringes and break into the mainstream. When people realize that the Americans, British, and Soviets were as shitty (if not shittier) than the National Socialists, the revelations are gonna fuck with a lot of people’s minds. But no matter — truth prevails. The era of hypnosis, mind-control, and mass programming has passed and humans reclaim their divine sovereignty and dormant faculties — which now include eyes to see and ears to hear.