Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

As for monopolies they are the worst! Not only have they taken away freedom but they have given capitalism a bad name and makes it ring sour in most young people's mouth.

Antimediabullshit 0 points ago +1 / -1

I get everything but the last one. What is meta related? Is it something to do with meth?

Antimediabullshit 0 points ago +2 / -2

That's what Trump aimed to do and sort of did but you idiots kept him occupied otherwise and made sure he became a pen and paper President. If he had your middle ground support, we wouldn't be where we are today that's for sure!

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can land a small airplane (without crashing or smashing) without assist mode in Microsoft Flight Simulator. It's not as easy as you'd think but doable. :/ In fact: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw6mjVIdbbc

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be careful this can be fake too. That's how deep this shit show goes.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's bull shit from both sides. Sorry but we got played a fool. I believed Trump because he was the only one saying the right things and standing firm against China while the others happily lined up their pocketbooks yet Trump only did half ass measures.

it's to the point I don't think there is a REAL single patriot that cares deeply about our nation and we deserve what we get spiritually and physically. For the sakes of God's chosen ones I hope he pulls them out.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

We throw away oru smartphones and go back to old BBS forums where we can have actual communities!

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +2 / -1

By not listening to what he says your going to have to listen to Hillary or Biden. That's the choice. No choice is still a choice and it will not be what you want!

Antimediabullshit -1 points ago +1 / -2

YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! This place has been compromised. Please go to Site Scroll. It's a lot smoother. I don't know what happened here but I'm about to delete my account: You should too and make a new one over there:

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Obama sold key elements of the web to the UN back in 2015 then this shit took off real fast. in 2017 the UN had an almost perfect robot. I'm sure by now that almost perfect 'robot' is some dog's chew toy in comparison.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are in Revelations LITERALLY now. Your friend is an example of the worshipping false idols I used to think it meant religion but now I think it means anything IP money generates:

The bible said people will turn to false idols and the hearts of many will grow cold. At some point there will be a 'famine' for the word of God: Meaning people will want it but can't get it after things turn south enough and it's illegal to mention.

Some parts of Canada you can get fined for 'open carrying' a bible in public. Yes it's THAT bad.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their comments appear though almost right away faster then a human can type.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

How come Nintendo fans will often wonder 'Why?' but then only poke and prod in the dark instead of looking for outside advice? They just circle with each other and pat each other in the back then wind up accepting the shit as 'Oh well it could be worse'. IT IS WORSE!!!!

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spawn Wave is generally decent. Switch Force tends to rant and never gets to what the title says. I'm actually sure he changes the title for whatever you search for so it appears different for different folks. All his videos could be done in 5 mins but it's stretched into 10.

Antimediabullshit 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did you know Obama DID sell out in 2015? Right after that websites broke down and forums died off,etc. They blamed it on smartphones but if you follow the trail it's a lot more then THAT! Before 2015 both computers and phones were trying to compete then out of the blue they all decided 'Phones only!'. It's not the consumers that decided this as many were still buying PC's for other uses.

Antimediabullshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also Nintendo is now VERY much in this trap. They sort of avoided this during the Gamecube and a little bit into the Wii era but now have caved in.

Antimediabullshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

But like I said what would the company gain by people hating? It seems asinine to pay someone to hate the product your making. I'd want people to LIKE it.

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