https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Dead+internet+theory I firmly believe it now. All the comments practically feel like the same with a few words altered here and there but still following the script even in 'entertainment' areas. It feels like being in a large corporate warehouse. ]

Generica immediately comes to mind.

The way the sun has behaved so weird and feels artificial like a heat lamp what do you think they have to gain by doing this and who do you think are 'they' anyway? Do you think 'they' are even human like you and I and by 'You and I' I mean real people.

Do real people still visit this site? It often feels like I'm talking into the wind and hearing it's echoes.

There aren't actually any real people left. Everyone "if they are real' all seem compartmentized in their own little bubble. Think of a bunch of cubicles where like minded people are in and they all think that cubicle is all there is and not realize there are other ones around them!

Conservatives for example hate video games while liberals love video games but hate conservative so if your both (A conservative and love games you enjoy or broaden your mind a bit) your in a tough pickle as neither will understand you so therefore are you really a conservative?

That's just one of many stupid examples the web has divided us in. It gets much worse then that as nobody believes in cross referencing anything. YouTube ironically is the CLOESET platform where people do deeper analyst of society and trends,etc but even then take it with a HUGE grain of salt.

They DO NOT allow any other weather topics or alt views despite saying how they are for an 'open discussion and encourage free think' they do their best to stifle new members and only certain users get free access to post whatever the hell they want.

It feels like a hidden country club. I'm SICK of these high school politics being inserted into........and everyone seeming to come from the same god cucking factory! It's like God himself has an agenda and doesn't care about his people or something.

It's been around more or less since the flip in 2013 with a brief break in 2014-2016 but returned strong again (though this year we seem to have a cooler influence) but the ridge is still there. Each time they forecast rain in the near range out goes the chems and the rain 'magically' vanishes. We get 10 percent of whatever was the forecast a week out.

If the forecast was 2-3 inches on the GFS weather model expect that trickled WAY down to almost nothing. It's almost laughingly predicatable yet weather nerds seem to fall head over heels over a OMG fantasy run. I don't bother posting anymore over there as they all act like smoker dopers.

Something doesn't seem right with them especially their comments and the way everyone seems to cuss and act in a way that makes liberals look good. I've notice a trend where liberals try to sound 'professional' and anybody else looks like lunatics in comparison where they foam at the mouth in the comments which would make any young truther not want to bother unless they don't mind throwing poo with them.

I am not sure why online the left have this 'smile smile' tactic where if you disagree they go 'But we care about equal rights and blah blah blah blah' so you have no chance of discourse and the alt media has certain agendas in their comments and often the headlines don't match the article much like CNN.

I personally find a lot of suspicious things that make me wonder if he is a paid 'Double' to cover what really happened and we perhaps may have the fakest election that's WORSE then fraud. But at the same time it's suspicious also that Trump just bowed down and shrugged. I think something more is going on to meet the eye.

A lot of weird green screen effects, You never see him and his wife where all other President's even Obama couldn't stand to be away from their wife! Hell you'd never at one point see Hillary and Bill separated. It's like Kogha and Sooga in Age of Calamity. "I'll protect you with my life!' or something like that.

If August was our only (more normal) heatwave (which fell far short of the June one when we hit 120F here in Marion County) what would it might have been like for the west coast overall? June was mostly a cooler month overall but dry. We even dipped into the 40s at night a few times! It got humid a few times when we had threats of rain and one actual rain event that made most of our total but still was dry in the long run.


What do you think is up with that? I kept mentally nudging him to spill part 2 out but he never did and clammed up almost as if he read my thoughts and did a big U turn NOPE with a nasty grin. I wonder if there might be an inner mental war going on and I might have tried 'too hard' and caused the opposite? Same when he almost revealed JFK and at one time he was going to 'downsize' the TSA and remove a bunch at small airports but caved in to the left when they said he was going to let terrorist 'Walk right in' our airports if he did that.

Towards the end Trump seemed to have lost his backbone but suddenly is gaining it back for 2024?

Or perhaps he never intended to spill the secrets and just led us on but what would he have to gain doing that since he only took 1$ of pay so he didn't exactly get extra rich from being the President and certainly didn't get extra rich standing up to China which if he had any previous ties they'd cut him off or he wouldn't have stood up.

I can't find anything on it but once or twice on Mike Morales heard about it but it was just insane rambling. HOWEVER I do believe something is very wrong about our sun since about 2011 which I am unsure if it's related to Fukushima or not since they have previously lied to us about the amount of radiation then covered their asses.

This forum has gone so MSM that it's not even about Conspiracies anymore so I'm trying to bring it back on track so let's talk about changes you've notice with the sun and what you believe may be the cause of it all?

The sun is no longer that warm friendly feel anymore but an angry white hot lamp where you cannot be out more then 10 mins without burning and even in winter there is a major differences of if the sun shines or not. If your just going to shit on this don't reply!


By conspiracies I don't mean fake alt versions of whatever the MSM says to cause rife but actual deep honest to God discussions of what the government is doing (or perceived to be doing) which may or may not be the 'trending' thing at the moment. Everything has become a spin of the media including alt media that fake news is flying on all sides now and your choking in the middle desperate for some air! You NEED to hand me the Zora Tunic now!!!! 😮😷

though it's interesting to see how far it's gone! The internet is all tightly controlled and everything pretty much is a dedicated PSYOP now so it's not even worth posting insights as most will react without reading which is the most asinine thing one can do with their time. Smartphones have made everything into quick hitting memes and jokes now which there is a time and place for such but not in mass shit posting :(

They just act predatory regardless of political class and they are ready to lash out at each other instead of thinking thru problems and come up with a good solution that's beneficial to the common person. Everyone is like a time bomb ready to blow and ironically has led to retro products/electronics (including retro PC's) being super super expensive almost as much as new as people go on nostelgic trips to 'escape' into a fantasy which makes them only the more passive aggressive types. While the underlying issues remain unsolved.

I am even willing to go as far out as wonder if the barium in our skies may be causing this or if it may be inducing other underlying illnesses not related but just as bad as the brain fog plaguing our US society?

Is the US alone in this or other countries experiencing this brain fog crap? Coud this be the 'big delusion' sent?

Anything involving a picture gets way more replies regardless if it's a troll attempt or actually real? Most often the meme threads are garbage like people throwing random pictures to see what sticks on the wall or not.

I have given up on forums except here because it's the same thing. Only 'treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeendy' threads ever get noticed. If you complain or call out on it BOOM INSTANT BAN!!!

Randomly Trump would get something done that would make the left totally howl like wounded donkey and then mass ban people on forums (including me) then they'd pride themselves for 'Cleaning up the croonies' while Trump would have to settle for a lesser version of what the USA needs.

All these compromises do nothing for the little guys!!

Everyone focuses on airports so my post is about things you cannot do today that are totally unrelated to airport security but still changed as a result of 9/11 paranoia affecting our daily lives?

One thing you used to be able to do that you can't is go to the power house of a dam because of a few fucking terrorist in a cave which 99 percent of us don't abide so somehow we are all guilty. Before 9/11 I've heard you could go into them in paid tours and go pretty deep actually.

Are dams the only thing altered because of 9/11 or what else have you noticed that are not related to airports? OH I FORGOT: Most dams now you have to pass thru some sort of security check that I think you didn't have to before but I could be wrong.

Anybody? No name calling please. Is it possible to turn this ship around or has the ship sailed too far away and the deed is done? We came REAL close to a big turn around and it started to go the right way but too many 'nay sayer's shitted on it and now look where we are. I hope you 'nay sayer' people are happy!!!!! Like the current 'economy'? because your about to get a WHOLE LOT MORE!!!!!!

Remember the brief trend of ME before it got polluted by trolls? There were genuine concerns from about 2015 to 2018 then it seemed to have died off. Now China is going to fire up an even BIGGER CERN by 2024 with a test run next year running in 'safe mode' then they will open up the throttle all the way!!!! .😮😮😮😮

Be prepared for weird supernatural level of shit to happen again that will make 2015 look normal. I believe we all live in different mini universes all fragmented but also linked at the same time so we all see different shades of reality this way. Those of us like me on the bad list get the broken one where others get the smooth sailing one where money is handed down and things work with minimum frustration and they cannot fantom how people can suffer a series of bad luck.

It's because of this mini separation of reality bubbles so we cannot communicate to organize against the one world elites setting up the beast system.

What do you think caused the 1950s cooling era? Most of the world had unusual cooling and the only time to match that in the modern era was 2008 thru 2011 where we had severe winters in many parts of the world if you read weather forums back then the point REALLY stood out! Longer mountain snow too in many parts of the world and I heard that the globe cooled by -0.5C which doesn't sound like much but it made enough of a difference!

Then in 2013 onwards it's been one heat record after another after another not just in a local era either! Most of the heat were 'insane' events too like breaking all time records by 10F or more. Europe had a lot of it before it came over to the US and we joined in the fray causing Europe to rethink their stance on their minimizing air conditioning policies at least in Southern Europe. They are looking at AC now for the first time in just the last 5 years where it was limited availability before.

What the hell happened was it always like this? It seems all I ever get are people just telling me to leave which is a shame because how are they going to grow with new members? I really wish some people would be burned to death and I RARELY wish that.

How deep do you think Nintendo is since they always seem 'different' yet often times don't listen to their fans of what they REALLLLY want. Like Beedle the fans wind up just shrugging and say 'I'll buy ANNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYthing!'.

Sony fans are not as inclined though they do have their bad moments but at least appear to be more intelligent instead of 'We don't care about graphics so SHUT THE HELL UP!" No microphone for you buddy!

People like Switch Force on YT will have a catchy title like this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcrt_gdEyFw *Nintendo Switch More Great News Just Dropped * but I can guarantee he will ramble a bunch of other BS where the actual topic (if he ever gets to it) is last in the video. Spawn wave is slightly better but he has Nintendo news always last and Sony news first despite what the headline looks like but at least he doesn't ramble and back peddle.


They buy the same stupid media over and over again and if they do have some 'colorful words' about said media the users keep buying it over and over which is why companies like Nintendo the last few years keeps finding new ways to stoop in a very predictable way.
The movie industry,etc are all in together I feel and I don't know if it's related to that SUPER AI I posted or if it has more to do with our dumb and asinine generation or both?

I no longer take 'rant' videos seriously because I know the same uploader and his followers will buy the next bit piece of shit and make some other complaint. In fact I wonder if some or all of these 'rant' videos are paid trolls perhaps even by the same company to create a 'fake' divide but I don't know what creating a fake wall among fans would accomplish so perhaps I'm shitting here. I DO Know that something bizarre is sure going on!!!!

What if the reason everything seems the same since 2006ish is what if we have been plugged into a Super AI that runs every computer in the world (that's not private) and control the flow of money and entertainment hence everything being recycled garbage and investors not caring when usually if something bombs they'll pull out and not repeat that.

In the 80s and 90s if something bombed they'd want to know why and/or not do that but now they just keep making the same shit and usually drop what's actually successful! It's like they now pick the worst of the worst and make it the new normal.

If most of the stuff released today happened in the 80s I can guarantee it would've not sold well and if sold in the 50s/60s during the Technicolor era fans would've destroyed the theaters in protests or at least come close to. They would NOT be silent like today where they complain a little bit online then buy the next stupid shit which I am going to do another post about on that.