AkaCoco 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’m not the guy who’s joined a website just to whinge like a bitch. Get over yourself.

Edit: Imagine making a 2nd account just to upvote yourself. You absolute fucking loser.

AkaCoco 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yet use the words “you guys” as if we’re all one group. We’re not.

Sperg out elsewhere.

AkaCoco 0 points ago +1 / -1

You’d be surprised.

Alot of people here just see the truth in Trump’s accomplishments and Biden’s consistent record of failings that span nearly 50 years.

Some are even Liberal! Because real liberals aren’t retarded cucks.

So again, who is “you guys”. Because we’re not all Trump voters - we’re not even in the USA.

AkaCoco 0 points ago +1 / -1

If typing is too difficult you can make a sign out of pasta and glue, I couldn’t give a shit.

My question is asking if you believe everyone here is a Trump voter. Do you think that?

by nc777
AkaCoco 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t they claim he hung himself from the bottom bed?

I work in mental health, it’s possible. But nobody would attempt a ligature from the lower bed when there’s other means available - lights, higher bed, anything further from the ground.

AkaCoco 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you’re going onto a website to taunt other people, your life is an infulfilled, hopeless and pathetic one.

You should be asking the Dems and left wing voters why they have robbed you of your job, income, life and most important of all, your brain cells.

AkaCoco 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t believe intentionally. They’ve been testing SARS/COVID for some time. I think someone was infected and didn’t take the right precautions, travelled to a local market (common place to eat) in Wuhan and things escalated.

China however saw an opportunity after the shutdowns to milk the rest of the world.

An interesting video is this below, he lived in China for a while and found the Wuhan Uni website and translated a job vacancy post for Covid testing w/ bats etc back in oct/nov of last year, the head scientist also just vanished without a trace and had her profile removed from their website.

Seriously, just watch it and tell me your thoughts. He’s done some very interesting video’s following up on strange things surrounding Covid since too.
