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As this fresh science says https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00143-2/fulltext to 2024 and beyond vaccine or not stay home...mask up...and.die.

And that is if there are never new variants. Science could not add this to the mathematical model.

I love science.

Get vaccinated people. The model only calculated 75% of 18-49 year olds will get jabbed.

FU if not vaxxed.

Next time a clever dick on a forum or a clever journalist argues that there is no evidence for x or y answer as follows: There is no Class I evidence from randomized controlled studies that using a parachute saves lives, nevertheless most people accept that and use them anyway.

We've got this fam (thegreaterreset.org)
posted ago by Ajax23 ago by Ajax23

Democrats 51% Republicans 40% Independents (Patriot party + Ye party) 9%


everyone is sus.

Paranoia intensifies

Is Flote a decent social media platform? Any experience with it?