I made a post earlier this evening stating that my wife and I got the vaccine almost a year ago and haven't experienced any negative side effects or dropped dead. Same goes for everyone we know. Unsurprisingly, the post instantly got downvoted to shit with people telling me I'm lying or whatever. Yawn.

For the record, I am aggressively against vaccine mandates but don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the vaccines themselves beyond the fact that they simply don't work with nearly the efficacy advertised by Big Pharma when they started rolling them out.

If anyone wants to ask me any questions about it, I'm happy to honestly respond. I'm not trying to convince of anything (really don't care what you do with your own body), but given that the discourse around it seems to be emotionally heightened to the point of fairytale superstition, I feel like I could bring things back down to Earth a bit for anyone curious.