Here we are 27 days later, and look who is president now.
If only Trump was fascist as the left claimed he was, things would be a lot better off today.
This is a pro-Trump space.
Please leave.
Our nation is the hostage. Trump was sent to set it free.
Trump is the swamp and has been in on the fix.
Trump is the deep state. He leaves the presidency on January 20th.
Do not attack Trump! Do you know where you are at?
Biden won, Trump lost, get over it. Hopefully this place closes down January 20th.
Joe Biden will be President on January 20th. Keep on coping whiteboi.
Trump won the presidency (by 400+ electoral votes), so there is no transition?
It didn’t happen, but I wish it did. The wrong team won in WW2.
You better not delete this post on January 20th, bitchcuck u/robutter
Trump is our ally here. Begone.
Not to worry, he is also a moderator here too.
Donald Trump is the perfect representation for current America (Im not including most of the people that are users here). He is mentally retarded and he is corrupt. He has no firm principles other than making money and having power.
Can you think of a better man that represents American society? He is dying and shitting his pants. He is clueless about his surroundings and someone else has to tell him what to do and say. Yep, Id say he is the embodiment of America.
This country is full of retards, degenerates, lazy teat sucking morons, corrupt criminals and people that have no business even being in a first world nation which America no longer is.