More importantly, they let her sell this. They promote her and pay her and insist she sells this crap. This sort of speculative propaganda would not be tolerated if not being weaponized. Does not matter if it is her or the 150,000 versions og her world wide.. until we burn the bridge between peasants and elites, the 60% of NPCs in the world will sheep and make our lives less livable.
Either Zion Don is complicit or an idiot.. which would you prefer to put faith in -- bcz either are embarrassing for you.
How hard did you hit your head?
Operation Warp Speed
And every month of Fall in to the election was shilling how successful the vaccine has been in trials by Zion Don.
You are a perfect case of how easy it truly is for peasants to forget atrocities and for history to then be rewritten.
Why would they let her take the shots?
Ayh would believe she is disfigured in some way, like Bells Pallsy, but not dead.
They would PR the hell out of her dying in surgery and milk the love of the peasants like crazy. She dying would drive compassion to William and the royals would devour that right now.
No, she is not dead. Its some thing else.
Precisely. Mouth movements is then all you need, with some minor touch ups like hair length or ~(o.o)~ .. but there are discrepancies.
Even that aside -- the lying for the last several weeks shd be what peasants focus on -- but they won't.
She is a model, now richest white woman in the world thanks to the crown, and she wears the same top (during winter) in the same park from 7 years ago? How many mega elites do you see frequently wearing 7 year old clothing?
If it were a commoner, sure.. maybe... 7 years if a fucking long time for a piece of clothing.
Ayh think you overestimate them. Ayh have met some extraordinary minds who on a dime turn in to cretinous morons on certain topics bcz no matter how genius one may be, every one succumbs to passion in some influenced form.
Look at weepy Jordan as example.
God damn it, his name is Destiny? Sigh. All the more evidence he too can be easily compromised by emotional tangents. He has a faggy name!
Has a very artifical look that they put forward too.. the hipster trashy look. He apparently has been making the rounds quite aggressively only down playing personalities, not arguing information, and doing the one absolute most propagandized technique of touting false analogies to disrupt the opponents rhythm. Leftist type personalities love this technique bcz pavlovian association is a key indoctrination to activism.
framing the narrative for what we know
Yes and no.
This is a major problem in modern left right theatrics and why people find it hard to comprehend how Trump and Elon can be complicit -- they put on the airs of being stern about a subject that is unavoidable for peasants to not see (ex illegal immigrants) but put boundaries on responses ("mean tweets") so as to keep peasants within the isle. It becomes comforting to see and hear some one notable speak out in any regards to concerns and thus it satiates the need for attention.
This is why share the wiki link to "good cop bad cop" to individuals who do not quite get Trump or Elon or others like them.
Also no. Bcz in this modern world we have a plethora of useful idiots unintentionally working against us. People whom are capable enough to communicate but lack the either integrity, sincerity, experience or wherewithal to fully delve and speak in extremes. Look at 95% of "journalists". The majority now are young women and feeble men who right out of college are groomed. They believe in their process and content bcz they know little else. They do not need to be MOSSAD assets.. they just exist within the boundaries by conditioning.
Not only do ayh know how it works -- ayh had some ayh had mined myself.
What you are not getting is that for any currency to have value, you have to have an agreement between peoples to have a stake.
When you have digital currency, you not only have to have value defined by people willing to trade it BUT also then agreement leveraged over the infrastructure to exchange it.
We have neither.
Monero is not a solution.
There is no such thing as "anonymous". Ayh wish you could truly understand that.
Bear in mind, my headline is why the point of post. You would not have seen this video to speculate bcz they want to censor data. Is my point. People are fixating in the video too much. Ayh get grief when the headline does not match but then when the headline is the critical part, ayh get shit the video does not match --> can't win with you folks :)
Bcz they have conditioned peasants to believe they have to choose between Col A or Col B -- when both cols are the same person they put on the stage for us choose.
It is all an illusion.. "Candidates" is an illusion.
Do your research.
Also the headline was regarding banning TikTok bcz we see things. Did ayh imply ayh thought any thing in the video was conspiracy level? And relative to that, conspiracy sites that post wild numerology or reptiles.. that is okay, right?
Take a chill pill dude radical surfs up
Not good enough for me.