You don't know anyone who's vaxxed who forgets what they are talking about when they are holding their phone in their hand? It really seems like that happens to me all the time. Maybe it's just me. I think 5g is ramping up the frequencies. Frequencies are important. These toddler fucking inbreeds have probably ruined the world many times with their...just ...fuckstickery. I don't even k ow how to describe how rerarded these inbred scumbags are. And SO FUCKING UGLY!! ALL OF EM. You can have your shit trainwreck bloodline you fucking ninnies.
You don't know anyone who's vaxxed who forgets what they are talking about when they are being their phone in their hand? It really seems like that happens to me all the time. Maybe it's just me. I think 5g is amping up the frequencies.