It sounds like a stupid made-up conspiracy theory, but unfortunately it's true. Jews suck the penises of babies. This practice is called “Metzitzah B'Peh” (oral suction). It's a commandment from the Talmud (Shabbat 19:2). You can see photos here:
According to a study published in 2012 by the US health authority CDC, around 3,600 newborn boys within the Orthodox Jewish community in New York City underwent this variant of the procedure each year. From November 2000 to December 2011, eleven cases were reported in which the circumcised infants were infected with herpes; ten had to be treated in hospital. Two of them suffered permanent brain damage and two of them died. The number of unreported cases is unknown.
Don't even start on the circumcision grift that they use to destroy young white boys
The modern form of circumcision is vastly worse than the Biblical form of circumcision. In the past, only the very tip of the foreskin was removed, and it was such a minor surgery that a man could be circumcised in the morning, and be able to fight a battle later that day. Today's circumcision removes the entire foreskin, requiring stiches, and weeks of recovery.
And, Biblically, Paul explicitly states in Galatians that circumcision is no longer required for Christians. To even entertain the idea that circumcision is necessary, invites Christians to become slaves to all of Hebraic law again, which does not save us, and only serves to condemn us, as no one can be perfectly saved by the law (of man). Jesus nullified all of the Hebraic laws. In Galatians, Paul was specifically rebuking the Galatian churches that had begun to judaize (the first Christian heresy), where jews of that day were trying to force the new gentile Christians into now defunct Hebraic laws.
Galatians 3:1-7
Galatians 5:1-6
Galatians 6:11-16
And yet, america mutilates babies. Why? What could be behind it? Hmmmmmmm
They deny it call it crazy call anyone who speaks of it antisemitic and in any normal place this would be outlawed.
But why isn't it? Why are the jews always allowed to do what they want with no repercussions? The conspiracy is in the why.