posted ago by towards8 ago by towards8 +14 / -0

It sounds like a stupid made-up conspiracy theory, but unfortunately it's true. Jews suck the penises of babies. This practice is called “Metzitzah B'Peh” (oral suction). It's a commandment from the Talmud (Shabbat 19:2). You can see photos here: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GTeFEIpXIAIxAGz.jpg

According to a study published in 2012 by the US health authority CDC, around 3,600 newborn boys within the Orthodox Jewish community in New York City underwent this variant of the procedure each year. From November 2000 to December 2011, eleven cases were reported in which the circumcised infants were infected with herpes; ten had to be treated in hospital. Two of them suffered permanent brain damage and two of them died. The number of unreported cases is unknown.

Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/4-ny-babies-get-herpes-from-jewish-circumcision-rite-in-past-6-months/