Kids are getting 50 of them nowadays.
The metal in the vaccine separates the hemispheres makign it harder to think. If too much metal packs in, they become autistic.
Parasites are injected into the body. Parasites can influence a person's mind in a negative way and the parasites can spread into other bodies through anal sex so one thing the parasites do is influence the mind to be gay but many of those gay people who took invermectin or other parasite killers stopped being gay. Some people are genuinely born gay too but some are just from the parasites mixed with the poison in the foods that raises estrogen. On the Spiritual side, those parasites are actually influenced directly by the Archons who themselves are also parasites so their vibe match up and then they influence the human mind directly.
Vaccines are deadly for the mind, body and spirit. Everyone should give birth outside of hospitals to avoid these injections.
I know a person who never got 1 vaccine and he's mentally/physically healthy as a horse. It's honestly impressive and he's old too. His health is better than most 18 year olds out there. Mentally sharp too.
Yes, tell me more. The pineal gland must be involved some how too right? My theory as it is the 3rd eye, if it's calcified or closed it will mess with your abilities of intuition and visualization. That and parasites hijack our abilities to create and manifest, keeping us in a lower vibration so we cannot imagine a good outcome. Archons taking the negative energy we then generate. Humans are like a battery in more ways than one.
Pineal gland translates the heart intuitive messages which actually step from God and are meant to guide us in life like a Shepard but you can still listen very quietly to hear it. Decalcifying the gland makes it easier listen.
Archons can influence with negativity especially when a person is already depressed or afraid. The parasite acts as a medium for the archons to infiltrate the mind better.
The covid vaccine also have self replicating nanobots that the archon can use to fully posses a human if all things line up.