The biggest enemy is not the Jew....they are annoying, they run things....but at least they do it well.....and aren't barbaric.
Islam is possibly being used to wage war against the west....because it is completely backwards and antithetical to the west.
Even zionists are more prowest than Muslims.
We must stop the sharia people.
Okay, so picture this........
Hard to imagine....
'Synagogue' was the only word for a religious building and group of people at the time 'Synogogue of Satan's was said. Same as saying the Mosque of Moloch etc..
Muslims......were aware of Jesus.....and actively denounced him and said.....convert to barbarism....or else.
Jews....were already the chosen people....including with Jesus.....but Jesus was open to everyone....and saved well..
Muslims actively tried to destroy Jesus's message and change it.....
The Jews were still living their live the old ways because God told them he got them....
Muslims are only saveable with Christ.....but they chose the warlord of Satan's spawn.... Mohammad