posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +8 / -0

Most of this board and the rest of the conspiracy community these days, is focused on politics and conspiracies of life style and modern way of life.

Minus a few die hard cryptids and ufo stuff, I would say that most content is related to politics or globalisation or some kind of trade or economic angle. Essentially, our every day lives are heavily intwined in the common conspiracies, whereas ufo and cryptid stuff usually is a bit more fringe and acts more like an escape from every day life, more fantastical in nature, alongside some of the other content which plays on alternative theories of history or occultism.

The thing is.....the answer is staring us in the face. In fact, it's clear to TPTB and they use it daily. The secret is that we are highly suggestible creatures which are unfortunately tied to mortal limitations of survival.

We dream and imagine, but we have to feed our selves and ultimately survive.

All our power as a species has been because we focused on the dreams and imaginations....but all our efforts are tied to survival and our means.

Elites, recognized that the power comes not from survival itself (we all survive to tell our story for so long so nothing valuable intrinsically, only through relativism can our lives be deemed successful) so they needed to unlock the human potential, but ... They feared losing their grasp, so how to make people work for your dreams, whilst ensuring they get stuck in survival mode most of the time.

The elites found that they could convince people using their own visions against them.

They could sell a future, that would forever stay in the future.....whilst the work was done in the present survival mode....(Once I save up ... I will have my dream)

But for now.....people are focused on survival and making someone else's vision come true....not theirs.

Money was the main catalyst for this. It allowed for an open fantastical imaginary future.....and yet, you constantly will be giving your future away to survive......but hope will not go away, so you will keep fueling the status quo in hopes of finally reaching the future.

Some of us can set goals and reach them, but almost anyone will tell you, the goal is meaningless when reached usually....and something must take its place....

The economy doesn't ever have a win condition so it cannot be won hence you cannot stop playing the game and get trapped by the rules....and false promises of the future.

This is how society functions....

It needs a game that never ends.....

The only solution to replace the current situation we find ourselves in.....will be to change the game.

We need a game that cannot be replace the current game......