Most of this board and the rest of the conspiracy community these days, is focused on politics and conspiracies of life style and modern way of life.
Minus a few die hard cryptids and ufo stuff, I would say that most content is related to politics or globalisation or some kind of trade or economic angle. Essentially, our every day lives are heavily intwined in the common conspiracies, whereas ufo and cryptid stuff usually is a bit more fringe and acts more like an escape from every day life, more fantastical in nature, alongside some of the other content which plays on alternative theories of history or occultism.
The thing is.....the answer is staring us in the face. In fact, it's clear to TPTB and they use it daily. The secret is that we are highly suggestible creatures which are unfortunately tied to mortal limitations of survival.
We dream and imagine, but we have to feed our selves and ultimately survive.
All our power as a species has been because we focused on the dreams and imaginations....but all our efforts are tied to survival and our means.
Elites, recognized that the power comes not from survival itself (we all survive to tell our story for so long so nothing valuable intrinsically, only through relativism can our lives be deemed successful) so they needed to unlock the human potential, but ... They feared losing their grasp, so how to make people work for your dreams, whilst ensuring they get stuck in survival mode most of the time.
The elites found that they could convince people using their own visions against them.
They could sell a future, that would forever stay in the future.....whilst the work was done in the present survival mode....(Once I save up ... I will have my dream)
But for now.....people are focused on survival and making someone else's vision come true....not theirs.
Money was the main catalyst for this. It allowed for an open fantastical imaginary future.....and yet, you constantly will be giving your future away to survive......but hope will not go away, so you will keep fueling the status quo in hopes of finally reaching the future.
Some of us can set goals and reach them, but almost anyone will tell you, the goal is meaningless when reached usually....and something must take its place....
The economy doesn't ever have a win condition so it cannot be won hence you cannot stop playing the game and get trapped by the rules....and false promises of the future.
This is how society functions....
It needs a game that never ends.....
The only solution to replace the current situation we find ourselves in.....will be to change the game.
We need a game that cannot be replace the current game......
There is no such thing as hard money, just commodities.
Fiat money is created by lending bills of credit representing hard money.
It is the lenders that create money and their power comes from controlling who gets to borrow that money.
The solution is taking control of the creation of money. Ergo abolishing the Fed (a private corporation) and letting the Treasury do its job.
I don't fully agree. Whilst commodities are hard assets, services are still worth value....knowledge, wisdom, experience is not a hard asset unless you commoditize people
Sure, labor is how wealth is created. What you are talking about is how labor is monetized.
The people (Rothchilds, Crown, etc.) who control the supply of money (the Federal Reserve) ultimately decide the value of labor.
That is why it is incredibly important for the Treasury to take back control of the creation of money.
I definitely think that is a good step. But the problem I see is that we let the genie out of the do we back all the MMT printing with gold and then say 'well we fuxked for a few decades so we just have to accept the trillions we printed as done and now backed by gold'
It feels like it keeps the parasites in power and suggests that their outsized unfair positions are now legitimate because of hard money....feels wrong....
Like no offense....but I don't think musk deserves to be worth 200B in hard capital....
Hard money....should reflect hard work.
Only within fluid (inception towards death) can there be a solid (life)...holding onto currency tempts one to ignore the flow of current, hence the sleight of hand..."current see".
An inversion of generation (genie) bottle-necking (inception towards death) regeneration (life).
Life runs out while being held by death within a bottle...
All implies the back of each one being forwarded within.
Same (inception towards death) offers differences (life)...few tempt many to ignore that by consenting ALIKE to suggestions.
Taking offense (holding onto suggested) implies ignoring offer (being set free within perceivable).
a) Suggestions such as theism (the); pluralism (we) and creationism (creatures)...
b) Secret/seco - "to divide"...that's what one ignores when consenting to a suggestion, hence choosing to hold onto it aka coming together with it.
The insidiousness of the the crafted spell "secret"...nature reveals by division.
a) Seeking a fortune ties one to outcomes suggested by others. Only perceivable origin sets each perceiving being free from one another.
b) Consenting to any suggestion binds ones free will of choice.
Species implies a particular (one) within whole (all). Many ignoring this permits few to wield all power over each ones diminished potential, by simply using all of nature against each one ignoring it.
The difference between power and potential...potential requires each ones choice to draw from power, as to live up ones potential...or ignore it.
a) Living implies being moved from inception towards death, hence living (growth) within process of dying (loss) survial chance for each one choice.
A jew suggests survivalism to tempt consenting gentiles to ignore living within origin for "outliving" outcome.
b) Velocity (inception towards death) generates resistance (life)...that's the foundation for each ones effort to resist (need) temptation (want), and the path of least resistance implies ones choice to ignore resisting, hence showing lack of effort.
Aka French élite - "selection, choice" implies ones choice selecting a chosen ones suggestion.
Coming into being implies from power (inception towards death) into potential (life)...making use of such potential implies each ones FREE will of choice.
a) Many grasp by consent onto suggestions by few, hence locking onto suggested, while wasting potential.
b) Few suggest terror-ism (Latin terrere; to frighten) to tempt many to fear outcome, while in return ignoring perceivable origin.
Visor (suggested) conceals vision (perceived)...if one consents to put it on.
Ones perception within all perceivable implies NOW...not before or after. Before one consents...a suggestion describes a future. After one consents to hold onto it...a suggestion misrepresents a past.
Both taking and holding onto a suggestion contradicts all perceivable moving through each ones perception...which can only be drawn from (inspiration), not held onto (information).
One ignores coming (inception towards death) into being (life) when choosing to hold onto a truth, which then establishes a conflict of reason against lies.
Nature cannot lie...nor can those within hold onto nature to make it a truth. Nature changes, and each one within has the FREE will of choice to ignore change. Few distracts many from change by tempting ignorance of perceivable by consenting to suggested.
Taking a goal by setting a point...tempts one to ignore being (life) sentenced at inception towards point of death.
Ones place is within motion, so any start and finish set into motion tempts one to ignore that motion moves on. can only start NOW and one can only finish NOW.
Need never ends...want does. Games are suggested to tempt players to gamble on wanted outcomes, while ignoring the need to resist the wanted temptation of perceivable origin.
Current (inception towards death) situation (life) aka only generating each aka solution generating problems aka ones response to being placed towards.
Will implies the response of being (life) to change (inception towards death).
Need (all) generates want (one) by setting apart want (life) within need (inception towards death) from one another, which tempts each other with want to ignore need.
Being implies temporary growth (life) within ongoing loss (inception towards death) game implies gambling growth on loss.
Wanting an outcome tempts one to ignore needing to resist origin. Few suggest many to spend resistance against each other (wining vs losing) in a game of chance, where those who loss less are declared winners.
Winning tempts with wanted outcome; being (life) needs to resist origin (inception towards death) to be able to grow within loss.
A jew suggests progressivism like to tempt gentiles forwards. Historically a jew remains after gentiles reached the climax of their progressive goals in mutual destruction...