27 Have you noticed English cops bullying those who pray in front of abortion clinics? This is on orders of their cult leadership because the prayers are thwarting their child sacrifice rituals inside the clinics. (reason.com) posted 93 days ago by LightBringerFlex 93 days ago by LightBringerFlex +28 / -1 British man convicted of criminal charges for praying silently near abortion clinic In Britain, it can be a crime to think the wrong thoughts in the wrong place. It sounds absurd—not to mention Orwellian—but a handful of people have been 5 comments share 5 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I bet it does disrupt the ritual. You can literally feel the evil when you are near a baby murder clinic.
I fully agree on this... Baby murder clinics are like Satanic Churches, the whole vibe that surrounds these places is off.
They can't arrest all of us. Sign me up, please. Fiat voluntas tua
They want order followers...