Humanity is winning this war because we are lifting the energy of the collective consciousness without really realizing it. Many are just tired of the negativity so they are doing positive things to counter it whether it's a small good deed or making funny jokes to lighten up the scene. Plus all the interesting happenings have made life a lot more fun for the masses and fun is a positive energy.
Here's the secret. The energy plugs into an organic life computer type system that then produces are collective reality. If we keep flooding it with good energy stuff like doing good deeds or helping people or making them laugh or having faith over fear or doing something positive with our own lives, etc.. all adds to the good energy being created. Then that energy takes time to feed into the life computer which then starts blurting out that good energy as good experiences for the masses. Of course, there are many still focused on fear and misery. Their energy is mixed into the good energy to produce mixed results. The good energy inputs are a lot more powerful so 1 good deed can override a 1000 bad deeds in the Spiritual energy realm.
The deep state know this and have been using media to spread the negative energy into the minds of the masses so it's best to turn that off and eat healthy organic food instead. Just 1 good deed per day hyper boosts your own energy system which then adds your energy into the life computer.
So to win this war, we need to really overwhelm the system with positive energy. Even old ladies can participate in this. There is no excuse. Anyone can say nice things or do good deeds. Even donating $1 to the homeless is good.
As we all do this once per day, the good energy would drown out a lot of the bad which then produces a better collective life for us to enjoy.
The deep state have been depending on our ignorance of how this works to manipulate us all for a long time. They really pushed hard on media poisoning starting in the 1950s.
Flaw: the average goy give their time and energy and knowhow and money to some cutout "good deeds tm" and smile and congratule, even pressure other avg cattle to join in the effort, and then it's just another demoralizing pedo front.
Light wins. Light is knowledge.
True however in that, in an environment in which a psyche feels good being done, it is maybe likelier that it will develop better and register and digest truth more readily.
Aka an effort towards outcome...tempting one to ignore being an effect of origin.
a) Win vs lose conceals...light reveals.
b) Light generates a spectrum, within which rays are set apart from one another. Win vs lose implies rays joining each other in conflict, which tempts each to ignore (dark) discernment (light).
Knowledge (perceivable) WAS before one (perception) came into being...suggesting others what IS tempts one to ignore that.
Each ones free WILL of choice was set apart from one another, hence allowing each one (perception) to respond to all (perceivable)...few utilize suggestion to tempt many to consent alike.
In other words...same (all perceivable) generates differences (ones perception)...few equalize differences among many aka equality through diversity.
War/wers - "to confuse; mix up"...
a) Energy cannot mix, because all implies one in energy. With what could energy mix?
b) Energy sets itself apart internally into action (inception towards death) and reactions (life). Reactions reacting to each other (suggestion); while ignoring action (perception)...get mixed up, hence blending back into action, while loosing access to react.