posted ago by TallSkillet ago by TallSkillet +6 / -1

I'm really disgusted by Kamala's inversion of the truth in the Fox news interview

When Trump talked about "an enemy within" he was talking about the shadow government which works against the American people by subverting the nation in favor of the NWO agenda which can't truly proceed until the USA is dissolved.

Kamala, hoping to be installed by the Operation Mockingbird machine, plays the usual kayfabe and refuses to acknowledge the true meaning of Trump's statement: our government has been hijacked from within and is now being used against us

She's propped up by the hijackers so twists the statement into, "he's coming after you, the American people!"

Sadly, this probably flew over the heads of a lot of people. Even a good portion of Trump's supporters have no idea what he meant by "an enemy within" because they can't conceive of a shadow factions using their own government against them. My parents are perfect examples of that.