posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +12 / -4

Israel is a weak as fuck country that hasn’t even managed to win a war against a bunch of teenage goat fuckers and has instead ended up destroying its own economy, and indeed hasn’t won a single war since 1967. When Iran launched its missile attack months ago, it was telegraphed in advance so that the missiles could be shot down and Iran could claim it scored an economic victory- because iron dome missiles are more expensive than Shahed drones- without starting “war”.

Now however, Iran’s failure to respond to Israel is getting pathetic. Even a few shahed’s having to be shot down by Israel’s bitches in the collective west would work.

If you’re surrounded by Arabs and Pajeets you have to project strength or you’ll be taken advantage of and Iran is not projecting strength by setting red lines and then letting the Jews violate them.