posted ago by FrogStomp ago by FrogStomp +7 / -0

This is a hypothetical about a famine might play out very soon, based on things that are clearly written into food policy documents, (E.g. Food to Fork 2020, Agenda 30 Sustainability Development Goals, Food Alert simulation, etc, and from watching the news.

It will start as a trade-war between food producers and supermarkets. They want the public to side with the food producers, to pull off the trick. You probably already notice the build up to a trade war, politicians slagging off super markets, bumper stickers saying no farmer no food.

Expect an industry wide food strike, producers all with-holding supply, leaving supermarkets with empty shelves, leading to a temporary chaos. In the same way we had a toilet paper shortage, everyone signed up for toilet paper deliveries directly from the manufacturer, you'll be signing up directly with the canned food manufacturer, and the breakfast cereal manufacturer for deliveries.

Like with Covid, they'll have cover for this so people don't blame the producers. We'll blame politicians, and the supermarkets, or we'll blame the weather causing a drought in one continent and a hurricane in another, and we'll blame the war in the Ukraine. But the important thing now there's a political and social urgency for food security.

There'll be a range of measures the politicians will be taking in the name of food security:

-because this food shortage is blamed on the weather there's a whole lot of new environmental regulations on farmers/producers/and distributors. -because this food shortage is blamed on supermarkets using their monopoly status to price gouge, we'll make new regulations that both stop profit making, and break up monopolies, for example a limit of quantities of food any one company (like a supermarket) can buy. -we'll have new apps that match producers with customers, in the same way Uber disrupted the taxi industry, we'll end up with every back yard grower registering their chicken coop and veggie patch.

This all sounds lovely so far, doesn't it.

But the regulations wont only attack supermarkets as intended, but all food distribution, and the farmers, and anyone trying to make a profit. But then oh there'll be loopholes for much of this regulation for cooperatives. You'll think then I'll start a co-op, what is that anyway? it's a not for profit, but it's worse than not for profit, there'll be clauses in the business structures which insist that you give a portion of your food to the poor (refugees). And this amount of food you give away probably gets bigger every year. so you're working for nothing. Basically the whole food industry will become unprofitable and it'll be like doing charity work.

And all this is happening while the US has their health agencies going into other countries declaring Swine flu / Avian Flu / Mad Cow pandemics and slaughtering all their animals, then selling them their own exports.

Expect to eat a lot more 'alternative' proteins... beans, crickets, and synthetic meat. fuck you're going to get sick of beans.

And before you think you're going to raise your own meat, there'll be a shortage of animal feed, so its going to want to be grass fed.