posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +10 / -0

Rothschild's banking power exploded in the 1600s. The Rothschilds, Jesuits and Jacob Frank (occultist) created the Illuminati so they can use it to hijack the Planet. Before 1776, Americans were in Feudalism. They were slaves to rich land owners.

After 1776, Gold/Silver were the only means of trade and Americans became the richest Civilians in the history of the World. The Rothschild bankers in Europe freaked because we can topple their power. They tried to install a central bank a few times and were fought off by Thomas Jefferson, Andrea Jackson and others.

In 1913, they bribed President Woodrow Wilson to install the Federal Reserve which is an unConstitutional scam to drain America's wealth and property. They had to have the 16th Amendment ratified to make this happen which was an impossibility. They needed to collect income tax to pay for the false debt. Instead of ratifying it, they just claimed it was ratified and pushed it through which was later proved in Court.

By 1933, the bankers bankrupted America. They demanded transfer of the economy into their hands as a penalty. They got what they wished for by taking control of the Secretary Of Treasury position which is controlled by bankers in the IMF in Germany. Basically our Secretary Of Treasury is always a foreign agent. Through these means, the bankers drain America. For example, Americans used to own their property. Now the lease says we are tenants on the property and that the banks can put a lein on our property and apply mortgages. They also did that to a lot of the National Forests, public property, Corporations and nonprofits.

They basically ripped away the American Dream from many and restored Feudalism.

Now we have no choice but to take our Country back or die in the street.