posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +6 / -0

Your friendly neighborhood Archon writes on pol:

Its darkest before the dawn. 7 years of chaos its gonna take, but i will fix it. There will be hell AND high water. The sun will indeed do some work, but not the yellow sun. The black sun, in antarctica will fire the first shot. Space is a lie and everything related to it. I know until i complete the great work there is still time to wait. This is the end of the kali yuga, and i will uncover the lies we have all been told. Most will call me the antichrist but only in ignorance. See you space cowboy.


  • space is a lie: the galaxy ain't empty, just our simulated version
  • Black sun: Cabal Nimrod's tomb?
  • end of the kali yuga: Yajweh said we're entering the 6th Age of Man

Notes on the thread here.

Related channels are Paul Furber and Elisheva of Earth 8, who tweeted recently:

Btw, y'all are getting Catastrophic Disclosure. I don't know the timetable, so don't press me on it. Humans have failed. Good luck, guys. Lol.

It's time to stock food and means of purifying water. I don't think this harvest season is going to be good.

NEWS FLASH: The rich and powerful humans sold the rest of you out. They think they are going to skate when Collapse happens and prosper like kings, but they are fools. Don't be a fool, don't trust them. Make plans, together, to survive without them. They will abandon you.

You need to be able to withstand the shock when the grid collapses. You will need alternate sources of energy, transportation, material items, and so forth when that happens.

To the good humans: You have a chance to escape a dying, bad system to a viable one. To the greedy oppressors of the good humans: We see you for what you are. /End.

Understand that the future is manifold and Fallen sources (including Humans) are neither omniscient nor benign.

See below for plausible regional impacts. Bunker down.