I’m sure this has been asked a million times. My wife was recently was red pilled after all the vaccine hoopla. Tonight she started asked questions about 9-11. I was going to share a documentary that I found here some time ago that was pretty straight forward… but I can’t recall the name and all my searches are useless. Care to shoot me a link or two?
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I think "Loose Change" is taken to be the standard documentary. There are several versions on YouTube.
I've never watched it but I doubt they tell you the buildings were turned into dust by nukes. So the film can be considered--ultimately--disinformation, and that's precisely why they allow it on YouTube.
The vast majority of people will never believe they could set off nukes in Manhattan and lie about it for two and a half decades, so they're free to watch "Loose Change" while never getting to the ultimate truth.
All that being said, I would recommend it anyway because they have to give you enough actual truth that will at least get someone with an open mind to the point, "Okay, clearly the government was involved, and the official narrative of Muslims and boxcutters is bullshit."
Taking down buildings with nukes sounds ridiculous. The Davy Crockett was a small yield nuclear device and the effect of that is huge. I doubt one could be made much smaller than that, and there wouldn't be much point. A small thermite charge on the support beams would be enough.