One of the tactics of communists is to destabilize a country by ripping out all the foundations of the society. History, morality, traditions all must be marginialized and eliminated as much as possible.
Here comes flat earth, to contribute to that. They love to come up with scientific-sounding explanations why the earth is a flat disk, and ignore basic physics. They toss around a lot of complex sounding explanations while ignoring observable facts and invent their own science. It's all done in an effort to destabilize the country, just like all the sexual madness that's being pushed.
He is right. The sun disappears due to the laws of perspective. The fact it disappears over the horizon proves neither that it is flat or round. Same goes for ships disappearing over the horizon on the sea. You need a different example to prove him wrong.
Per specio implies by partial; being implies within whole L(and) A(ir) W(ater)...others suggest pluralism (laws) to distract each singular partial from discerning oneself.
a) Flat implies line; round implies circle...only within line can a circle be shaped.
b) Cut a circle at any point and you'll have a bend line...being implies bending (life) within line (inception towards death).
c) Few utilize suggestion to tempt consenting many into circular reasoning aka "mind bending".
Parallel lines do meet!!!!
PAR'ALLEL, adjective (Gr. against or opposite, and one the other) aka ones (life) parallel to one another within line (inception towards death). It's few who tempt many to meet within conflicts of reason aka in opposition to one another, while ignoring that nature sets each one apart from one another.
Everything resolves on a higher plane.