posted ago by EJGeneric PRO ago by EJGeneric PRO +15 / -0

I have had 2-3 discussion with Leftists and when you mention BLM or Antifa they will go: "Where is their headquarters, what is their uniform, who is their leader, antifa is just an idea" That is like this is some type of own.

What is antifa EJ? Come on...tell us. What does antifa stand for? Where's their headquarters? Do they have a charter? Uniforms? Leaders and hierarchy? Come on...you pretend to be smart so tell us.

Oh wait! That's the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and the Three Percenters. So Sad....

Antifascist Action. They are specifically communists. They wear black block when they swarm on the streets for direct action. Thay have a flag as well, but you knew all this.

They had an official headquarters back in 1920s Germany but find it better to work decentralized nowadays in cells. Most of their modern-day action is online drama and doxing.

Why would they need an official headquarters? For tax purposes? LOL.

Antifascism is just an Idea goy.