Does bacteria cause infections and spread? Yes.. absolutely. History demonstrates this.
Do ayh think viruses cause diseases? 75% disbelieve 25% still hanging on to the notion
Do ayh think consumption and third parties cause disease and spread?
AIDS and most autoimmune are caused by products. Most cancers are caused and influenced by products and environmental conditions.
What is ratio of germ to terrain? In the modern era of hygiene where most traditional diseases and plagues have all but been reduced to nothing.. its 20/80
The fact they refuse to qualify "terrain" is evidence of their complicity.
Does bacteria cause infections and spread? Yes.. absolutely. History demonstrates this.
Do ayh think viruses cause diseases? 75% disbelieve 25% still hanging on to the notion
Do ayh think consumption and third parties cause disease and spread? AIDS and most autoimmune are caused by products. Most cancers are caused and influenced by products and environmental conditions.
What is ratio of germ to terrain? In the modern era of hygiene where most traditional diseases and plagues have all but been reduced to nothing.. its 20/80
The fact they refuse to qualify "terrain" is evidence of their complicity.
wake up
any text versions? I looked at the timestamps. but what's a tl;dw? Some deficiencies and weakness in the body plus poisons cause disease?