Seeing my 70+ year old parents consume media during CoHoax and conversations with them shedding light on how they consume said
"information", and then them actually taking the hoaxccine despite having known them to openly distrust government, pilled the shit out of me.
Power implies loss (inception towards death); being implies growth (life)...suggested theism (the) and determinism (that) tempts one to ignore that.
completely rigged
Rigging/shrouding implies covering up...all perceivable cannot be covered up; each ones perception within can hide under the cover of suggested if consented to.
completely...every aspect
COMPLETE, adjective - "having no deficiency"...each aspect/spec/special/partial implies a deficit.
Few suggest "every" to distract "each" one of many from discerning self, and ones consent to suggested implies COM (together; with) establishing CON (against) aka con-flicts of reason.
Seeing my 70+ year old parents consume media during CoHoax and conversations with them shedding light on how they consume said "information", and then them actually taking the hoaxccine despite having known them to openly distrust government, pilled the shit out of me.
Power implies loss (inception towards death); being implies growth (life)...suggested theism (the) and determinism (that) tempts one to ignore that.
Rigging/shrouding implies covering up...all perceivable cannot be covered up; each ones perception within can hide under the cover of suggested if consented to.
COMPLETE, adjective - "having no deficiency"...each aspect/spec/special/partial implies a deficit.
Few suggest "every" to distract "each" one of many from discerning self, and ones consent to suggested implies COM (together; with) establishing CON (against) aka con-flicts of reason.