posted ago by BladesLastBottle ago by BladesLastBottle +12 / -0

iv pulled the trigger... after reading AT Fomenkos books regarding phantom duplicates and false history iv decided to actually go thru our history books my self. I would appear that Fomenko is was right about alot of what he wrote, but hes missed things. Hes wrong about Jesus, hasn't spent nearly enough time going thu events during the 11th-14th century's and disregards alot of important events about Egypt.

he has broke the vail on history but there is more work to be done. today i will be discuss one such subject he has missed. The Apocalypse of the 14th century.

Everyone knows the story of the black death, after reading all our 21st century books regarding the black death i went to the Eye witness accounts of people who lived thru it. and i cannot express more how different they are from what we are told

first off, all the historians who lived thru it, Henry knighton, John Wycliff, Giovanni Boccaccio, Agnolo Di Tura, Jean De Venette all say pretty much the same thing.

this was a world wide event that struck everywhere and lasted 9 months. its written that 40 million people died from middle east, india and Cathay. Spain lost 20 million. Insane numbers, so insane i find them difficult to believe, but thats whats written.

Throw the "Viral, Bacterial, poisoning" theories to the side. They write it affected all manner of beasts, whole pasture of cattle laid to waste, millions of dead fishes covered the coasts of Britain, birds everything.

they write about earthquakes. Earthquakes so strong that new mountains formed, rivers moved. Earthquakes that lasted DAYS, all over the world.

Church and will records show that easily 6 out of 10 people died. More in some places. whole monasteries fell. in one case 133 out of 140 monks died all at once, rumors were that they "slayed" each other.

Mass madness is reported, violent outburst, behavior changes, hysteria and hallucinations. They used the word distemper often. Which was the same word they would use to describe rabis.. And i see why because its also reported that people dropped dead, others not so lucky.

The pathology of the disease is such. stabbing pain around the heart, shortness of breath, fever, chills, weakness. violent thrust, and sweating. vomiting and diarrhea often filled with blood. Coughing up blood, coughing and vomiting up worms(?!) boils blisters sores of all kinds were covering the body. They also had black tongues

once struck, if you didn't drop dead, it last around a week. those who made it past the 3rd day faired better. Some went into comas and never woke again.

whole families were dying, mothers would kill there own children to "save" them. Lords killed themselves after all there servants died. people really believed that it was the end of the world.

its written that everyday people would take cart loads of dead bodies and dump them into open pits. too many to count, to many to bury, and to many to morn. there wasn't enough people to do daily duties. there was no harvest that year anywhere.

those who lived through it were faced with restarting a broken society. the church hired laymen who couldn't read to preach. every available hand was put to the fields, education arts and sciences were halted, there was no time to teach, they needed workers not thinkers.

they write that all the people left over found partners and for the next several years nearly all woman were having kids, huge families rose up with newly acquired wealth. These children though, were not taught anything. We had a whole generation where no one was taught to read or write because there wasn't time or resources to do it.

so much knowledge and skill was lost from this. It would take maybe 3 generations to recover population but it took 200 yeas to recover the knowledge and skills we had before. And even then we wouldn't recover everything.

why is this important? well its because its were we lost our history. Ask your self if you've ever been taught about the tatar confederation that spanned from the middle east up to modern day Russia and all the way east to japan. were you taught that part of Europe, north Africa and all Asia was a united confederation of empires during the middle ages?

what they teach us instead or mythical tales of Genghis Khan killing millions of people. iv read 100s of old books from the 11th century onward and not a single mention related Genghis Khan. first mention of him comes from the early 1900s.

anyway im just ranting at this point.